Someone is Falsifying Delivery Records


Well-Known Member
Because the driver(s) are scared.

Years ago there was a female driver, in a rural extended center, that would hide packages in a drainage ditch and then come back in her personal vehicle and deliver them.

She got caught, she got fired.

I've heard this story before... are you in Colorado..


Well-Known Member
I've heard this story before... are you in Colorado..

I suspect there is an array of fables that supes tell new drivers for vicarious learning.

My favorite one is about the new pkg car driver that went out on his route and he wasn't heard from for several days.

He finally called from several states away to explain he had run out of money. It seems he thought he was supposed to deliver all the pkgs he picked up.

This was back in the early 1980's before some of you were born.

True? I don't know.