tieguy said:
Great dialogue. Concerns as to whether congress will ask the right questions. Another post on facism. Its important that we do everything we can to undermine our security. Not having a single terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11 is totally unacceptable. Lets loosen up these oppressive security measures so we can once again enjoy the sight of burning americans jumping to their deaths.
Unlike you Tie I don't buy the reasserting of the cold war by the military industrial complex and the "commie under every rock" thinkin'. Why is it that we hear these new tapes time and time again from Osama and his underlings but the terror threat level never changes. And as for drug dealers, you need to do some research my friend on the history of drugs in America and you may learn the biggest drug dealer is the one you vote for every election. Go research the East India Tea company and it's history with the Golden Triangle and then come forward into American history and the gov't/corp. connections in that area. Today we find ourselves slap in the middle of the area known as the Golden Crescent. Connection? Ever wonder why it was the CIA who tested and attempted to exploit LSD for social engineering purposes? Many would contend with some good evidence that it was the CIA and this testing that introduced LSD to the early 60's counter-culture and if so who is to blame for that part of the drug social menace?
As for the CIA, go back to the mid 70's to Sen. Frank Church's Intelligence Committee hearings on the many CIA operational abuses they uncovered. CIA had a clear mission ban of domestic spying but they did it anyway all under the cover of the Cold War and the communist threat. Turns out the 007 nonsense wasn't really needed after all and the circumstances of today just look so familar. You want safety? I agree however abolish the CIA entirely and give intelligence over to the real experts in our US military. IMO, that's where it should be and should have been all along. The CIA is a walking blunder after blunder after blunder and I absolutely do not trust them at all. You know it's interesting that Patton wanted to take his 3rd army and unite it with Germany's Waffen SS and march in an stomp out Moscow but the precurser to the CIA, the OSS and it's many operatives blocked that and then several years later you have McArthur wanting to make a move for victory in Korea. Now it's open to debate whether either or both would have been successful but the point was we had a shot to end what became a 40 year non-shooting war between ourselves and the Soviet Union or rather International Communism and we didn't take it. I guess you'd say it's the liberal pansies among us and at one time I'd been right there with you. But the truth sadly paints another picture that is far beyond that simplistic.
You hold on to those simplistic ideals and enjoy the life you have but do this one thing and learn from my mistake. Many years ago an opportunity arose for me while moving in circles well beyond my standing in life. That opportunity was to peek inside Pandora's box and I did. Don't look inside the box Tie. As Chef said in Apocyalpse Now, "Never Get off the G#d D##N Boat!" There are tigers in the jungle for you to fear but they ain't Osama tigers. C ya!
On a side note, still having warm weather? For the most part here it's like early spring. I know for the long haul it ain't good but if this is global warming I could get use to this!
Oh and we had fat juicy T-Bones on the grill this past weekend and yes they were good!
Gas is for farting, charcoal is for cooking!