Spokane Airport UPS Rocks !


Binge Poster
Airports are NOT package car based HUBs. Whole different mindset and way of life. Airports are where you generally go to retire from UPS life.

The drivers laugh at what we do.

Airport is more heavy machines and pulling. Lots more safety at play. But generally less repetitive.
You from an airport facility?


Retired 23 years
Have my first week under my belt as a package handler, and all I can say is my experience so far with UPS is nothing like so many of the posts I have read through out the forum.

Awesome co-workers, awesome supervisors, and awesome work environment at Spokane airport UPS.

Everyone works as a team, including the supervisors.

Yes, it is fast pace, but I am liking everything about it so far.

Because it is at an airport, the initial testing is pretty crazy.. Tons of tests including hazmat, osha, environmental, safety, and general UPS operations. Also separate tests at the airport police station for a required airport security badge.
Kind of refreshing to hear from someone who likes their job. One out of 400,000+ isn't bad.


Knowledge is key, Experience is power.
Airports are NOT package car based HUBs. Whole different mindset and way of life. Airports are where you generally go to retire from UPS life.

The drivers laugh at what we do.

Airport is more heavy machines and pulling. Lots more safety at play. But generally less repetitive.

Why would drivers laugh at what you do? It's way better than working at a hub. I thought it was pretty cool to park my package car next to a jet.


Hot girl summer

@Integrity her new hire quit because she was harassing him to go faster and work unsafe.
@BestSupEver is a detriment to UPS.

Management is the ENEMY
What is your judgment of the company?

Why did the new hire quit?

People are quick to judge this company and how they operate. People come on here to complain about everything thats going on with volume through the roof, harassment or general working condition without appreciating the position they're in compared to others. How many companies offer jobs with over 100k and not anything more than a high school diploma? I know of a couple drivers that don't even have that! Meanwhile, other companies are offering much less with pay and benefits. Take a look at the fortune 500 list and count how many companies offer the same benefits and pay ups offers. The great thing about the company is that you get to choose your path. Weather it's management, hourly, package handler, mechanic, plant engineer, sales, corporate, janitor, security... Literally you can be anything at UPS if you go after it. If you were to ask my opinion of the company, it would be it's a great company that offer opportunities to people who would probably live a rough life if this company didn't exist and people take for granted the things they offer.

New hire quit because the job was too hard. Couldn't consistantly lift paper packages in a productive manner when I'm barley over 120 lbs and did the entire route with no help.

@Maple Grove MN Driver wouldn't last 30 years in today's UPS. He probably had is struggles but it's still nothing compared to what we're dealing with today.

I want a corporate career to get an opportunity to change things I see wrong in the operation. That's why it's important to start at the bottom of any company. If I remember, when I started my first check was 99 dollars. To realize I came from 99 dollars to over six figures makes me proud. And the company allowing me to finish school and open up a business as well did wonders for my life. I've been very successful and will be worth millions of dollars because of UPS at the end of my lifetime.


Hot girl summer
I would guess 289 stops---that's like real work--- kids now aren't used to that.
Yeah it ended up being around 315 because of apartments. It was my olllddddd training route. I could run that route blindfolded. Unfortunately, it was blown up and the new hire was frightened. Tried to hit on me after he quit *rolls eyes*
Yeah it ended up being around 315 because of apartments. It was my olllddddd training route. I could run that route blindfolded. Unfortunately, it was blown up and the new hire was frightened. Tried to hit on me after he quit *rolls eyes*