Storming the Capitol

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
He told his brother that he was fine Jan. 6th. Strokes don't just happen out of the blue. The stress of that day was highly likely to be a contributing factor but he had something going on in his brain that was going to cause a stroke eventually. And there is plenty of video showing it didn't go on for hours. Why didn't any of the other officers have a stroke or heart attack? Why weren't any of them killed by a mob as you say were bent on overthrowing our government? And for the millionth time why do you insist on blowing this up into a much more horrific event than it actually was while discounting the violence of last summer's riots? Why is it so important to you to push a narrative about Donald Trump supporters?
What about BLM. Herp derp


Inordinately Right
Cops who would attempt to protect Congress and the Vice President or who don't agree with Milo shall pay!
Hurr Durr traitors and treason
Herp Derp attack on democracy
Rreeeeeeeee orange man made them do it


El Correcto

god is dead
Cops who would attempt to protect Congress and the Vice President or who don't agree with Milo shall pay!
When did I even speak on the cops? To me military and police have never been sacred ground of do not tread on them.
I’ve spoken out on this website against veterans who try to play the “I wAs a MaRiNE” card. Like I don’t give a :censored2: my guy, I still think you are also a dumb :censored2: liberal pinko commie.
Same thing with police, I’ve even made a couple threads being pissy with the laws and policies of the police. Mainly around civil forfeiture.

El Correcto

god is dead
I also haven’t once criticized the police for breaking up that riot and stopping the rioters including with deadly force in Babbit’s case.
Actually it’s the opposite I supported them doing so and was disappointed when they didn’t do it during the BLM riots.

The Driver

I drive.
Only most of them.

No I hated the federal government long before the trump presidency.
You don’t 100% get your way in this country. It’s a democratic republic. We pick our reps through voting and then they compromise. That’s the whole thing, all under the Constitution.

And you’re so busy hating on the weakest and most vulnerable that you can’t see that fact. You want authoritarianism if it means you think you get exactly what you want. Otherwise you want to see our elected representatives die by brutality.

That’s the definition of a big fat :censored2:ing baby. Big crybaby.


Well-Known Member
You don’t 100% get your way in this country. It’s a democratic republic. We pick our reps through voting and then they compromise. That’s the whole thing, all under the Constitution.

And you’re so busy hating on the weakest and most vulnerable that you can’t see that fact. You want authoritarianism if it means you think you get exactly what you want. Otherwise you want to see our elected representatives die by brutality.

That’s the definition of a big fat *ing baby. Big crybaby.
You live in a fantasy world. SOME may very well want what you are saying. ALL don't. Hint: liberal fantasies on tv and at the theater aren't reality.