What is the most bazaar thing that one of your coworkers have done? After thirty years with this company, I've got dozens of stories to post. Please use false names, some of these people still work for UPS! I have worked part-time in the Hub and as a Package Driver, I can understand if some of you people in management don't want to contribute.
My first story is about "Ken". This was in the mid 80's, when I first started driving. He was going through a divorce, had a lot of problems evidently. Somehow he got caught with a woman different than his wife in the back of his P400. The Center Manager gave him a second chance, since he was a "scratch driver". After this, Loss Prevention and the Center management team were keeping a close watch on him. His downfall was when he decided to supplement his income. He was caught on videotape cutting the grass at a local motel and also working the front desk. He was a "runner", either delivering his stops or dumping stuff off and delivering after work in his own vehicle. He is "no longer with the company", needless to say.
My first story is about "Ken". This was in the mid 80's, when I first started driving. He was going through a divorce, had a lot of problems evidently. Somehow he got caught with a woman different than his wife in the back of his P400. The Center Manager gave him a second chance, since he was a "scratch driver". After this, Loss Prevention and the Center management team were keeping a close watch on him. His downfall was when he decided to supplement his income. He was caught on videotape cutting the grass at a local motel and also working the front desk. He was a "runner", either delivering his stops or dumping stuff off and delivering after work in his own vehicle. He is "no longer with the company", needless to say.