TDU, Teamsters United capitulate to Hoffa’s override of UPS workers’ “no” vote

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Starting wage is a waste of time.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
The Union will never be the same because going forward, UPS Teamsters will have it in their heads, possibly correctly, that their Contract votes do not matter.

The Contract did not have to be pushed through. Yes, the Constitutional terms allow it if less than 50% of the membership votes, but national leadership did not have to pull the trigger on this.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
The Union will never be the same because going forward, UPS Teamsters will have it in their heads, possibly correctly, that their Contract votes do not matter.

The Contract did not have to be pushed through. Yes, the Constitutional terms allow it if less than 50% of the membership votes, but national leadership did not have to pull the trigger on this.
Blame the 2 cochairs


Shop Steward
A couple of these clowns from the World Socialist group showed up to our Local Union meeting recently and we kindly asked them to not only leave our hall, but to please leave the property. All they want to do is stir the pot.


Well-Known Member
A couple of these clowns from the World Socialist group showed up to our Local Union meeting recently and we kindly asked them to not only leave our hall, but to please leave the property. All they want to do is stir the pot.

Do they though?

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Do they though?

Think so. Recitation of rhetoric seems more important to them than practical proposals that’d have any chance of real life implementation.

For example, their demand list for the UPS Contract that was laid out in a recent article was ridiculous. Far more likely to get them laughed out of a room than listened to.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
We are all just pawns in the big game at Ups. Too much money involved on both sides.

It might be somewhat true..But that kind of thinking will kill you in the end, it just feeds the present apathy with our membership... " Nobody is too big" as history has shown, bigger fish than UPS and the Teamsters entities were taken down or drastically changed for the better and it usually starts with the suppressed people groups finally having enough of the abuse and demanding justice for a wrong..


Union Steward
I think the author, Jerry, is being a little unfair to the TDU. Even if you disagree with your boss, the PRESIDENT of the union, you send a diplomatic letter you don't write hollow threats and insults (claiming O'Brien's letter to Hoffa was weak). Sadly enough my Western V.P. Ron H didn't even oppose this mockery of a sham! NO WONDER my local loves this contract....:censored2: rolls downhill. Also, pretty much immediately called for a us to sign a petition after Denis T threatened this B.S. which he did. I of course, immediately signed it. I've done my part, now it's time for other UPSers to "rise". I was the ONLY one on my shift to put Vote No flyers on my car window in the parking lot, next to the exit where everyone passing through could see them. I even got cussed out after taping Vote No flyers to the posts and was bullied by management to walk back to the lot and pull them down.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
A couple of these clowns from the World Socialist group showed up to our Local Union meeting recently and we kindly asked them to not only leave our hall, but to please leave the property. All they want to do is stir the pot.
If they don’t pay dues or are not Teamsters, they shouldn’t be at your meeting.
The Union will never be the same because going forward, UPS Teamsters will have it in their heads, possibly correctly, that their Contract votes do not matter.

The Contract did not have to be pushed through. Yes, the Constitutional terms allow it if less than 50% of the membership votes, but national leadership did not have to pull the trigger on this.
There are WAY TO MANY ENEMIES ON THE INNER CIRCLE WAVING THE UNION FLAG. I watch them team up on a single guy daily. Not to mention he is a MEMBER of the union. To busy killing our own while Hoffa & Denis is making a mockery of what our past members built.