Teamsters bosses resist calls to reopen UPS contract after 'no' vote

Time for change

Well-Known Member
It's just getting ridiculous.

This whole "we need a new Union or we should stop paying dues" nonsense

is nothing more than a bunch of internet crybabies throwing a hissy fit.

It's embarrassing to watch (you would think) grown adults.... act like children

complaining about not getting another pudding pop for dessert.

What have they ever done for the Union ?

You seriously don’t think paying dues is important and doing something for the union? You really truly are low IQ and your attitude is exactly the reason members are fed up with the IBT and discontinuing their dues payments.
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Time for change

Well-Known Member
What's shameful, is more than half of the members didn't vote.
Another thing that is shameful is the long history of corruption in the Teamsters. I think members tolerated some of it, but being in bed with the company is a whole different level and will destroy the union. The collaborated push by the union and company for a YES vote was the shameful part and not even a million+ dollar push could get this contract passed legitimately. Shameful is low IQ buffoons like yourself being condescending to the members that pay your salary.


It's just getting ridiculous.

This whole "we need a new Union or we should stop paying dues" nonsense

is nothing more than a bunch of internet crybabies throwing a hissy fit.

It's embarrassing to watch (you would think) grown adults.... act like children

complaining about not getting another pudding pop for dessert.

What have they ever done for the Union ?


How about paying dues for years and years


Got the T-Shirt
I don't work for freight, I said when has UPS ( meaning package) had majority turnouts... let alone consistently?

Never.... as far as I know.

You seriously don’t think paying dues is important and doing something for the union?

That's part of the gig.

You don't really think UPS would be so generous to the hourly work force

without the Teamsters ? Look what they've done to management.

How many part-time employees do they have?

Nowhere near the % that UPS pkg has.

Another thing that is shameful is the long history of corruption in the Teamsters.

Most of that corruption, was confined to regional area's of the country where

organized crime was prevalent. IE.... New York, New Jersey, etc.

Shameful is low IQ buffoons like yourself being condescending to the members that pay your salary.

@Time for change

Listen, I understand your need to vent.

You feel let down.

Focus the anger on getting involved, to make a positive change.

Bitching on the internet.... accomplishes nothing.

How about paying dues for years and years

You write them off on your taxes.... don't you ?

And then Bug the Thug’s boys CHOOSING to use the constitution against those that voted!

Bug the Thug.... I like it.

I'm going to insist the people address me like that in person.

Especially in front of UPS management. ;)


Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
Never.... as far as I know.

Thats exactly my point. Why would it be any different this time. The union knew that and were going to ram it through no matter what.
If the no and yes votes were flip flopped with the the same % voting we would have heard nothing about failing to reach 2/3. It would have been "members vote unanimously to ratify contract." Can you really be that dumb to not realize this was rigged?

Why wouldn't hard working men and women be pissed that union fat cats have forgotten who pays their salary and betrayed them. This was voted down and they had deals made based on a yes vote and they screwed us over. Say what you want but this storm isn't going to get better. I say every local on up to Hoffa need to be blacklisted and voted out if they took part in the yes vote push and offering excuses after we were screwed over.
Who do they expect to organize in the future when they do stuff like that?


Well-Known Member
When has there EVER been a majority turnout?
And most of our pters are more interested in this
maybe we should have went out to the parking lots on break or Saturday morning where these kids toke up and sold the contract to them out there....
The leadership is completely flooded with Crooks and your same response over and over about the membership not voting is absolutely retarded because it's always like this. I love to see the percentage of our Workforce that hasn't even been here a year. The union will be gone soon so you have to change your :censored2: name


Well-Known Member
This says it all. Time to think about the long terms. There is no reopening of this contract.

From Kara Deniz, a spokeswoman for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, said the vote turnout shows the union lacks rank-and-file support for a strike on UPS.

“The national agreement was rejected by approximately 24% of the eligible membership. No union can successfully conduct a strike with the support of only 24% of the bargaining unit,” she said in an email Tuesday.

Teamsters bosses resist calls to reopen UPS contract after 'no' vote

What exactly is an "eligible" member? Is he/she a bargaining unit? Then he/she can VOTE AND HAVE IT COUNTED.

Frankie's Friend

It's just getting ridiculous.

This whole "we need a new Union or we should stop paying dues" nonsense

is nothing more than a bunch of internet crybabies throwing a hissy fit.

It's embarrassing to watch (you would think) grown adults.... act like children

complaining about not getting another pudding pop for dessert.

What have they ever done for the Union ?

Paid dues?
Stood on a strike line (probably the last big strike I can remember since Hoffa took over GP) in solidarity to combat HMOs, performance based raises, and quality based performance to get the option of a raise.
We may not be real Teamsters but the $94 keeps disappearing from our checks every month.
Maybe we're just donors.

Frankie's Friend

Thats exactly my point. Why would it be any different this time. The union knew that and were going to ram it through no matter what.
If the no and yes votes were flip flopped with the the same % voting we would have heard nothing about failing to reach 2/3. It would have been "members vote unanimously to ratify contract." Can you really be that dumb to not realize this was rigged?

Why wouldn't hard working men and women be :censored2: that union fat cats have forgotten who pays their salary and betrayed them. This was voted down and they had deals made based on a yes vote and they screwed us over. Say what you want but this storm isn't going to get better. I say every local on up to Hoffa need to be blacklisted and voted out if they took part in the yes vote push and offering excuses after we were screwed over.
Who do they expect to organize in the future when they do stuff like that?
I believe the strike vote participation % told the NNC what kind of a voting % was to come.

If at least 60% of members would have participated in the strike vote I believe the NNC would have been more concerned about member ratification voting involvment.

They saw apathy and played their hand. Imo