
PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I sure if you look hard enough you will find bad people everywhere i.e Penn State,The Catholic Church, people embezzeling from various charitible or non-profit orginazations ,the government (LOL) ? So why not the IBT in some cases? If you look for the bad all the time you will surely find it. Wht not look for the good which I am sure is the greater percentage.


a long time ago (1800's) labor workers got a short end of the stick, they worked long hours, low pay, 7 days a week, no vacation etc. etc., it sucked. Later groups of workers organized and formed unions that would protect each other in labor disputes, wither violence, or walk outs, or strikes or sit-in with companies they worked for knowing that if they all worked together, they can fight for fair treatment, one of these union groups is Teamsters.

Teamsters so happens to be the most successful one, bringing the concept of the "weekend" you understand, 8 hours work day, and they did so very aggressivly, even using violence to get fair treatment for its members. Sometime during the 1960's they were so successful they began to work with the mob and to no surprised they kinda went overboard with "contract negotiations."

After a big downfall they cleaned up their act and now is a legit labor union as of 2012. However unlike it's more proud beginnings, teamsters in 2012 have more in common to a toothless lion than contract negotiators.


Troll...really? Is this middle school? The discussion was started because I want people to justify the reason for needing "Teamsters"....I would like someone to debate as to why the "Teamsters" are actually needed...

You build a case and explain to me with facts since your so "hardcore" and "bleed brown" why this makes any sense. The reality is that there is NO MONEY left for these pensions that you are fighting for. Since 2008 after the mess that was started in our country, we are left with unkept promises of money that is not there to pay for these pensions that Teamsters is supposed to fight for you to get, right??? Well how the friend' are you going to have this "protection" if there is nothing to help you with anymore? What is the point????

I am not a troll, I am simply trying to get someone to explain to me what the point is...period...


I sure if you look hard enough you will find bad people everywhere i.e Penn State,The Catholic Church, people embezzeling from various charitible or non-profit orginazations ,the government (LOL) ? So why not the IBT in some cases? If you look for the bad all the time you will surely find it. Wht not look for the good which I am sure is the greater percentage.

Hmmm, think you need to take some more time to research, my friend. The problem with our government and society as a whole stems from friend'ed up corporations like UPS...Donating to the United Way or UPSPAC should be a choice, not forced. Yet, they continue to deny promitons or "call out" employees specifically by name as to why they are not donating....are you aware of the fact that if you sign up to donate let's say $10 a month out of your paycheck to the United Way for the year and you quit or get laid off that the UW can write it off as if you owe them money? If you work 6 months that year and pay $60 and you don't work there anymore, they can argue that you still owe them $60 for the remainder of the year's contributions therefore it appears you donated $0 for the year?

Not to mention the folks that should have or may have been promoted had they fell into the cohersion of donating to these funds??? Explain that one to me...


It sure does look like a vaguely general question, designed to troll



Well-Known Member
QUPS, when an employee agrees without coercion to donate to UW or UPSPAC, they do indeed enter into a contractual agreement with either of those entities. "Forced donating" is not unique to UPS---it was the same when I was in the military. If we had a lower ranking airman who truly could not donate the NCO's would donate in that person's name thereby ensuring 100% participation. I have little sympathy for a driver making $30/hr who says they cannot afford to donate or choose not to donate because they are upset with their mgt team or with the company in general.


QUPS, when an employee agrees without coercion to donate to UW or UPSPAC, they do indeed enter into a contractual agreement with either of those entities. "Forced donating" is not unique to UPS---it was the same when I was in the military. If we had a lower ranking airman who truly could not donate the NCO's would donate in that person's name thereby ensuring 100% participation. I have little sympathy for a driver making $30/hr who says they cannot afford to donate or choose not to donate because they are upset with their mgt team or with the company in general.

You should never make people feel forced to donate to anything. I have no problem donating when it is to a charity I believe in...but that should be my choice...not anyone else's.


New Member
I was told that the goverment took over the teamsters years ago when they had touble with hoffa sr. and the mafia, do i believe it Yes i do , our bussines agents get paid by both ups and by union dues ! Take notice that the ups pilots don't have the teamsters they have the machinists union [because they are smart] but anyway as far as the contract goes its what ''we'' want not them and it should be things like lifetime benefits more sick days a 2 or a 3 year contract , a real pension , and not this rewrite the langwich bull they are talking about.


Phoenix Feeder
Troll...really? Is this middle school? The discussion was started because I want people to justify the reason for needing "Teamsters"....I would like someone to debate as to why the "Teamsters" are actually needed...

You build a case and explain to me with facts since your so "hardcore" and "bleed brown" why this makes any sense. The reality is that there is NO MONEY left for these pensions that you are fighting for. Since 2008 after the mess that was started in our country, we are left with unkept promises of money that is not there to pay for these pensions that Teamsters is supposed to fight for you to get, right??? Well how the friend' are you going to have this "protection" if there is nothing to help you with anymore? What is the point????

I am not a troll, I am simply trying to get someone to explain to me what the point is...period...

This is funny. He/she is confusing public worker pensions with our private pension fund.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
QUPS, when an employee agrees without coercion to donate to UW or UPSPAC, they do indeed enter into a contractual agreement with either of those entities. "Forced donating" is not unique to UPS---it was the same when I was in the military. If we had a lower ranking airman who truly could not donate the NCO's would donate in that person's name thereby ensuring 100% participation. I have little sympathy for a driver making $30/hr who says they cannot afford to donate or choose not to donate because they are upset with their mgt team or with the company in general.

I don't donate because it's MY money that I worked for. I donate plenty to the local college so that I have good seats for football games lol.