Terminated after being on LTD for 1 year

Is anyone familiar with termination after 1 year - i thought ups had to give me a chance with americans with disability act -------- they know this and have been sued - but do not care - already been to eeoc - any suggestions/help please
gonna cost money attorney said - eeoc guy wrote it up wrong - and it got disproved - i sent him how it should have been written and he has not responded yet
thanks for your help
Is anyone familiar with termination after 1 year - i thought ups had to give me a chance with americans with disability act -------- they know this and have been sued - but do not care - already been to eeoc - any suggestions/help please
Read the Contract, after a year they can Let you go


Well-Known Member
management - no contract -
I'm really not sure either way, but I think you are in a tricky area. I've always heard you can be let go for no reason at all, unless it violates the law such as, age discrimination or possibly disability issues. But sorry, because i'm just not sure. I've also experience even though the ADA exist, UPS will at times choose to totally ignore it. The ol ; sue me attitude. The Attorneys are another headache. Even your own attorney doesn't want a fight. He wants the low hanging fruit. Step one, step two, now pay me. I think even with the EEOC, you have to be sure an exhaust all other avenues ie Union grievances and arbitration if applicable. Then EEOC in a certain order. Otherwise you'll have to start over. Many many years ago, I've taken similar steps myself, but don't chisel this stuff in granite. Just my guesses and recollections. Good luck