Jumpin Jack Flash
Id personally like to thank the Teamsters for showing up at work to give out free hot dogs and spring water at 8:30am. You really know how to treat us well.
I bet they swayed you.. Into taco bell runs before 10:30 commits if you're drivingOh yes, I pay a lot of money for two hot dogs and a spring water at 8:30am. They swayed me.
@Indecisi0nMods please move this to a different thread so every post won't be deleted.
Union discussionsMods please move this to a different thread so every post won't be deleted.
Id personally like to thank the Teamsters for showing up at work to give out free hot dogs and spring water at 8:30am. You really know how to treat us well.
Moving thread to food section .
Id personally like to thank the Teamsters for showing up at work to give out free hot dogs and spring water at 8:30am. You really know how to treat us well.
Must be an election year???
not condenscending at allYep. We're going through the same thing right now.
Doughnuts in the morning. President and Secretary Treasurer walking through the buildings.
not condenscending at all
Yours show up that frequently?Must be nice. Our guy shows up once a year and it's usually around punch out time.
You get hotdogs?
We get a line of bull and it doesnt just happen at election time.