The anti-woke movement


I can’t say that I am anti-woke or pro-woke at this point.

I do lean towards favoring social justice and reparations of wrongs done personally in my life and collective in society.

I do not support unlawful methods of any kind for any reason to advance social justice however with the corruption in big business and politics and the connections they have with each other and the demoralization of a society that IMO this creates, it is no wonder to me that some individuals or groups are acting out in very negative and sometimes unlawful ways to try advance justice.

I think to advance the topic about the anti-woke movement it is important to get a little background and information on the wove movement.

Woke - Wikipedia
How about repartitions for our African American brothas and sistas

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
look at how far right the country is going. would you agree trump was further to the right on many issues like muslim ban than previous admins?
Disagree, I think USA 🇺🇸 is going in the other direction (far left).. trump banned Muslims to protect us . They(Muslims) could still Come to country but were vetted more to make sure they didn’t have terrorist ties.