The Canada Report.




Strength through joy
  • Justin Trudeau and his family have left their Ottawa home amid security concerns as demonstrators marched up and down the streets in front the Prime Minister's office to rally against the vaccine mandate
  • Protestors could be seen carrying copies of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, while others carried signs reading 'God keep our land glorious and free,' 'Make Canada great again,' and 'we are here for our freedom'
  • Since mid January, Canada and the United States have imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for foreign truck drivers crossing the border between the two countries
  • Canadian drivers are unable to enter the U.S. unless they are vaccinated, and U.S. drivers are unable to enter Canada
  • Furthermore, unvaccinated Canadian drivers returning home must get tested and quarantine
  • Unvaccinated American truckers are not forced to test and quarantine when returning to the U.S.


I'm a star
cant wait for freedom convoy to liberate us from crushing mortgage debt inflated by bank lending

Why don't you join them? The truckers may not be concerned about that issue particularly, but if everyone who was went and joined with them, and started protesting for that, imagine how many people would be there. Maybe get to talking to folks, I'm sure others do share those concerns. I see it as a problem, and a lot of other right leaning folks do too.