The Lets Get Rid Of Our Cops Movement


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
So they are complaining about citizens acting as police in the Arbery case, and suggesting we abolish the police because of the Floyd case.

These people are idiots.
How much Narcan applications were given by the police last year? Lots of junkies were saved. They want drug users to die?


Inordinately Right
Then it’s a good thing no one is advocating for no police.
I know you're a liberal so you don't think money is real, but fact is, when you don't fund the police, you don't have police.
Use your brain.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Allegedly, the current police budget will be used for "better" things?

Maybe stuff like portable defibrillators? The cops will use them on folks in cardiac....

Oops...never mind.
A reasonable person would admit there are many situations that police respond to that could be better handled by someone with different training. When your only tool is a hammer everything becomes a nail. It’s time we move past the current default solution of murdering black people.


Well-Known Member
A reasonable person would admit there are many situations that police respond to that could be better handled by someone with different training. When your only tool is a hammer everything becomes a nail. It’s time we move past the current default solution of murdering black people.
Except the stats don't show that to be the case. So what are you saying? Is there no movement to defund the police or not?


Inordinately Right
A reasonable person would admit there are many situations that police respond to that could be better handled by someone with different training. When your only tool is a hammer everything becomes a nail.
Somebody watched a Facebook video and is now an expert. Lulz, you are painfully predictable.


Well-Known Member
A reasonable person would admit there are many situations that police respond to that could be better handled by someone with different training. When your only tool is a hammer everything becomes a nail. It’s time we move past the current default solution of murdering black people.
Officers, over here, I'm the one who called!

Sorry ma'am, we aren't officers, we're Intermediaries. What seems to be the problem.

This man broke into my house and tried to rape me!

And sir, your side please?

Well bro, you know how it is, saw this fine young thang, and thought got to hit dat!

He does have a point ma'am. Would you consider giving him a piece if he agrees to leave right after?

Will he wear a condom?

Aw, do I have to?

Come on now, we're here to work this out to everyone's satisfaction. You were nice enough to wait until we arrived so give what we're offering a chance. We have condoms if you need one.

Oh, ok, I'll hit it with a raincoat.

There you go! I'll just need both of you to initial here that the rape in progress has been moved to a lovemaking session of mutual consent.

Thank you Intermediaries, I feel so much better now! I'm so glad I called!

Me too, I can tap that ass without my old lady finding out in the shame section tomorrow!

This has been a presentation from your local Intermediaries Office. Together with your help we can eliminate all interactions formerly known as crimes and make your experience a safe and happy event. Tell all your friends and neighbors!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
A reasonable person would admit there are many situations that police respond to that could be better handled by someone with different training. When your only tool is a hammer everything becomes a nail. It’s time we move past the current default solution of murdering black people.
How about we make it a serious criminal offense, one that is actually punished, to harm, or refuse to follow directives of, police officers. Then maybe the extreme methods of restraining people wouldn't be necessary. Touch a cop in UK and you go to jail.