The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!


Well-Known Member
That's the left's way....never address what was said, just feign boredom. Do you suppose someone could've pointed this girl to a drugstore.....they are everywhere.
Poor baby, can't afford to have sex outside of marriage .......GOOD!

I guess I won't have to worry about the two of us agreeing twice in the same day.

I would think it would make sense for an insurance to spend a few $$ upfront rather than to spend a lot of $$$ later on.

Rush was completely out of line and owes this young lady an apology.


Strength through joy
I just did a search on the name Susan Flake and no listings about a Georgetown student appears; there are plenty of listings for other Susan Flakes, some who are quite successful.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I just did a search on the name Susan Flake and no listings about a Georgetown student appears; there are plenty of listings for other Susan Flakes, some who are quite successful.

Better get Orly Taintz on the case baba..... maybe she doesnt exist and wasnt born in the USA, and the president of Georgetown university who came out in defense of his student who he personally has dealings with (or did he?) is in on the scam to hurt limbaugh?

I am sure Orly Taintz can solve the case along with Stupid Joe from arizona.




Engorged Member
TheOtherSide claims an email that was forwarded calling the mother of B. Hussein Obama was a trashy slut is racist. Nevermind that joke was around before that clown even heard the name Obama. By his own standard just him posting that email makes him a racist. Those of you defending him posting that email, by his own standard, are also racist. Your joke was made about sex and a woman(wife of Limbaugh) so by your own standards it also has to be racist since both women were the same race. After reading the false outrage by a couple of clowns on this thread about that slut that wants free birth control I have concluded that you leftists also hate women. It cannot be about the slut part as none of you guys defended Laura Ingraham so it has to be that leftists also hate women.

Your response is nonsense, which is typical. It's obvious you have no idea of what a racist is, and equally obvious you support them.


Well-Known Member
Your response is nonsense, which is typical. It's obvious you have no idea of what a racist is, and equally obvious you support them.

According to theotherside just the fact that you do not see how racist you are provides additional proof of your racism. You should let go of your vast racism. The world would be a better place.