The sales pitch is on.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
This new Saturday setup is ridiculous!! I went out today and did 153 stops in 126 miles in suburbia. I was doing a 160 in 90 miles a month ago punching out at 6/6:30. Today was after 9, and I wasn't the last guy back.
I think that's the point. Give us so much work we are happy to vote yes just to get some relief.


Well-Known Member
Collect paycheck and do it again

I get that, just annoying that the company touts there is no Saturday work. Then they cut routes and have us all out there all night when they had people working a more manageable shift just a few weeks ago. Plus, you would think they would pull this crap after the contract was approved. Not when a lot of rank and file I talk to are not happy with what's been put out there.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Amazon is looking for safe experienced UPS and FedEx drivers, they feel its better to hire dependable knowledgeable people. Total opposite of UPS and FedEx s main objective
I get that, just annoying that the company touts there is no Saturday work. Then they cut routes and have us all out there all night when they had people working a more manageable shift just a few weeks ago. Plus, you would think they would pull this crap after the contract was approved. Not when a lot of rank and file I talk to are not happy with what's been put out there.
I've worked a few . I know brother


What makes you think that? You realize many FedEx locations load and unload trucks then run a full route? That's exactly what these hybrid drivers will be doing. I could hang on any UPS route that's not the issue. I just never wanted to start part time waiting for a full-time spot to open up.

Just yankin your chain

Don’t get your panties all bunched up


Well-Known Member
I think that's the point. Give us so much work we are happy to vote yes just to get some relief.

See, I look at it the other way. I would think you would want to take care of the work force, add in the extra route or two. And not just Saturdays, all week long when possible. Take care of the people working for you to get the results you want. But logic and reason seem to escape this company somehow.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
I get that, just annoying that the company touts there is no Saturday work. Then they cut routes and have us all out there all night when they had people working a more manageable shift just a few weeks ago. Plus, you would think they would pull this crap after the contract was approved. Not when a lot of rank and file I talk to are not happy with what's been put out there.
No they're doing it before the contract, it started this week. Its like they want a strike even though theres a handshake agreement


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
See, I look at it the other way. I would think you would want to take care of the work force, add in the extra route or two. And not just Saturdays, all week long when possible. Take care of the people working for you to get the results you want. But logic and reason seem to escape this company somehow.
Yeah but if you were trying to push thru a crappy position like 22.4 who is supposedly meant to reduce OT. Load everyone up and tell them as soon as it passes and we get 22.4 all of this can stop?


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Every Saturday I am absolutely exhausted. They don't care about this 9 to 9 schedule. They took care of all the big ticket items cause they don't want a strike . On the other hand no relooping the routes , no desperately needed time study, and no helping us with iregs
We have always had SurePost, but continue to take it to the Post Office buy choice.

See, what is really happening is what I predicted for years and years.
SurePost or whatever they called it in the beginning (drawing a blank), was designed to keep us from driving 8 miles down Nine Mile Rd, for a $3 package, when the mailman was going there anyway.
It was a symbiotic relationship that made sense in a rural setting.

UPS, in their typical knee jerk, exploit it to the fullest in every way fashion, let SurePost evolve into what it is today, a short term, profit driven, cost cutting initiative, designed to satisfy the instant gratification mindset of the New York Stock Exchange.

Anybody who remembers or cares to go back in the archives of this site, knows I have deemed this initiative as "short sighted".

We all know UPS caters to commercial stops over residential, and for good reason, up until now.
Commercial stops tend to receive multiple pieces, with each piece after the first exponentially more profitable than the first, the first absorbing much of the cost for the service.
Residential stops tended to be single parcel deliveries historically, but not anymore.
We all know the house that used to get 1 or two packages a week, now get 2 or 3 a day.....and that trend will do nothing but grow in the residential market going forward.

It has always been my contention that this was a gross over site by UPS, who had they embraced those packages at a smaller margin from the beginning, could have grown their infrastructure and staffing to absorb the huge ebs and flows that plague our system now, positioning us for tomorrow, while eliminating competitors.

Instead we are now chasing market share, instead of dominating it.
You need to look no further than to Amazon's business model to validate my assertion.
I think the company is going in a different direction. With Amazons sure-post. Amazon is growing with or with out ups. Ups is just Final getting the picture l. The Amazon affect.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Every Saturday I am absolutely exhausted. They don't care about this 9 to 9 schedule. They took care of all the big ticket items cause they don't want a strike . On the other hand no relooping the routes , no desperately needed time study, and no helping us with iregs
You don't want a time study. It'll
Only make things look worse.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Really , traffic has changed , these clunker trucks have poor visibility, and loading is throw it in the truck and who gives a friend
We had a center wide time study done a few years back. Our center manager was getting tired of his higher ups bitching about our performance. He said I know my guys aren't dogging it. These numbers are bogus.

Two weeks later we'd lost over 24 hours as a center and everyone looked even worse.