
Well-Known Member
Wow, time in war zones you must really love that as well since you love war so much you must really like Geraldo Rivera as well? I’m not sure what your point is on the recorder being in a war zone. Probably makes him a shill for government war propaganda.
Gives him real world experience. Really don't understand why you call me a warmonger when you supported Putin invading Ukraine?


Well-Known Member
Gives him real world experience. Really don't understand why you call me a warmonger when you supported Putin invading Ukraine?
Oh yeah? show me where I did that? The only thing I support was them getting together and ending it. Instead, now the people of Ukraine will freeze to death while powerful people, dine like kings, and stay warm, on both sides.


Well-Known Member
The nerve of someone saying Bill Riley was competition to Rush Limbaugh iis enough make my blood boil. He couldn’t even breathe the same air. Limbaugh called O’Reilly the Ted Baxter of journalism.
Rush was obviously the top dog on radio. O'Reilly's program was on at the same time. I listened to him when I was working remote areas and he was on satellite radio as well as regular radio. Rush never went the satellite route.


Well-Known Member
Rush was obviously the top dog on radio. O'Reilly's program was on at the same time. I listened to him when I was working remote areas and he was on satellite radio as well as regular radio. Rush never went the satellite route.
O’Reillys program didn’t last long on the radio


Well-Known Member

As the law enforcement officials and their families walked past the congressional leaders to accept their medals, many conspicuously refused to shake the hands of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

"It's self-explanatory," explained the brother of officer Brian Sicknick, who died shortly after the insurrection attempt. "They came out right away and condemned what happened on January 6. And then whatever hold that Trump has on them — they've backstepped, they've danced, they won't admit to wrongdoing."



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Republicans picked up districts in New York and California. The only way to absolutely insure the Democrats always win is to not vote.
Don’t be naïve. With ballot harvesting and electronic voting, voting rolls with dead people on them, people that no longer live in the state getting ballots, and buying ballots, with democrats fighting tooth and nail against voter ID so illegals can vote, yeah my vote counts. 🤣


Well-Known Member
Republicans picked up districts in New York and California. The only way to absolutely insure the Democrats always win is to not vote.
Lol yes, those two Republicans will make a huge difference in those states. My guess is they will both be pretend Republicans as well.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lol yes, those two Republicans will make a huge difference in those states. My guess is they will both be pretend Republicans as well.
The fact that I’m expected to believe that Americans, who are getting hammered by inflation brought on by a war on petroleum, would re-elect the idiots that caused it says it all. Wake up, they won’t give up power without bloodshed now.


Well-Known Member
The fact that I’m expected to believe that Americans, who are getting hammered by inflation brought on by a war on petroleum, would re-elect the idiots that caused it says it all. Wake up, they won’t give up power without bloodshed now.

Unless we really are surrounded by idiots? Sometimes I wonder..


Well-Known Member
Don’t be naïve. With ballot harvesting and electronic voting, voting rolls with dead people on them, people that no longer live in the state getting ballots, and buying ballots, with democrats fighting tooth and nail against voter ID so illegals can vote, yeah my vote counts. 🤣
I agree to a certain extent. I saw a lady talk to Bill O'Reilly yesterday about the necessity of doing exactly what the Democrats are doing because the old way of just showing up and voting on election day isn't working. Harmeet Dhillon, an absolutely brilliant lawyer who's running for the RNC chair, told Tucker Carlson the same thing. Not the illegal stuff, but a number of legal things the Democrats are employing to get out the vote. But the fact remains that in states where Democrats have really fouled up Republicans won a number of Congressional districts. The single biggest thing going for Republicans are Democratic policies. But once we get the power we have to make a difference in people's lives. Wouldn't surprise me at all if it ever comes out that Covid was a deal between the Democrats and Chinese to take Trump down. He was making a difference and only the constant hammering about the virus seemed to make a difference to voters. That and some very strange goings on in swing states.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness you're here to show us the way. Been waiting for you to come along. What say you? What's the best way out of this mess?
Whatever you’re doing do the opposite because it hasn’t worked for 40 years. That’s why we are where we are now. Just one more time let’s go to the polls it’ll be this time everything will change.😂