These Republicans Want to Take Away Your Weekend


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see UPS start Sunday deliveries next contract. USPS is already delivering Amazon Prime on Sundays.

They are supposed to be delivering on Sunday, the last package I ordered that was supposed to be delivered on a Sunday made it to local Post Office Sunday morning. Then the tracking info said, "available for pickup at Post Office.". I contacted Amazon about this, first representative said, "You can go pick up your package at the P.O."
I replied if I wanted to go out and pick it up I would have gone to a store and not waited the 2 days for Amazon.
The USPS delivered it the next day and Amazon extended my prime membership another month. I contact Amazon anytime a package is late and get my prime membership extended, (that's really the only thing they can doI've gotten and extra 3 months so far this year. It's been the USPS and FedEx that seem to screw up. Haven't gotten anything from the small startups lately.