Three CEOs resign from Trump council over Charlottesville


That's how this exchange originated.
In case you can't figure out what your dumb butt posted ... I copied them above.
That probably wont work so let me recount it for you.
You said, "Dems are the racists!"
To which I replied "Might just be me but I know a lot more Dems that are racist and use the N word."

If you can't keep up with your own God Damned conversation, then don't reply to me.

Stupid :censored2:ing dimwits in here!
Too much Indica


Well-Known Member
Back to the OP, the members of Trump's executive business council disbanded themselves, exactly one nanosecond before Trump disbanded the council.

"You can't quit, you're fired!".

The 'business' Prez can't keep a business council together due to his racist leanings.



Inordinately Right
Back to the OP, the members of Trump's executive business council disbanded themselves, exactly one nanosecond before Trump disbanded the council.

"You can't quit, you're fired!".

The 'business' Prez can't keep a business council together due to his racist leanings.

No one wants to be associated with this guy. There's a reason he can't get anything accomplished. He's poison.


Well-Known Member
Trump is so toxic that he can't even get greedy CEO's to associate with him. All these men and women want is for republicans to structure financial and environmental laws, regulations, taxes and trade deals in their favor. They want those things very badly and yet because Trump is such a racist, they can no longer associate with him.
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JL 0513

Well-Known Member
So how is Trump racist?

Trump issues fact: Both sides engaged in violence. Both sides are to blame for the violent rioting. Undeniable fact.
I think the media is so shocked to here facts from a President. It's been a long time.

He is now a racist.

People still don't get how Trump thinks and talks. The media and today's libs need snowflake language and when Trump explains something, they can't believe what they're hearing. Trump saw two sides beating each other to bloody messes. He isn't political like ideologue's are so the rest of the story isn't too important. He doesn't even think about race. So all this was to him was two violent sides causing chaos. Both sides ARE to blame. There wouldn't have been violence if the left side hadn't started the violence.


Well-Known Member
So how is Trump racist?

Trump issues fact: Both sides engaged in violence. Both sides are to blame for the violent rioting. Undeniable fact.
I think the media is so shocked to here facts from a President. It's been a long time.

He is now a racist.

People still don't get how Trump thinks and talks. The media and today's libs need snowflake language and when Trump explains something, they can't believe what they're hearing. Trump saw two sides beating each other to bloody messes. He isn't political like ideologue's are so the rest of the story isn't too important. He doesn't even think about race. So all this was to him was two violent sides causing chaos. Both sides ARE to blame. There wouldn't have been violence if the left side hadn't started the violence.

Yup, here we go, more moral relativism and 'whataboutism' from the white nationalist apologists.

Sorry, I'll side with the anti-facists over the wannabe nazis every time.

"Jews won't replace us"?

"Blood and Soil"?

Utter nonsense and total garbage.

By all means, sleep well thinking it was the left who was at fault.

When 'Unite The Right' shows up in my town with their noise, we'll be right there to shout them down.

Non-violently, of course.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to call someone racist you better have something to back it up.

Which race is he racist to?

Is this what 'winning' looks like to you?

I neither know nor care if Trump is personally racist, but he's great with the whistle, and the dogs are coming...

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Yup, here we go, more moral relativism and 'whataboutism' from the white nationalist apologists.

Sorry, I'll side with the anti-facists over the wannabe nazis every time.

"Jews won't replace us"?

"Blood and Soil"?

Utter nonsense and total garbage.

By all means, sleep well thinking it was the left who was at fault.

When 'Unite The Right' shows up in my town with their noise, we'll be right there to shout them down.

Non-violently, of course.

Who said that it was the left's fault? Trump never did, I never did. Just stated the FACT that it took both sides to create the violent riot. Notice violence always occurs when leftest mobs gather?

You really think Trump is siding with groups that chant "Jews won't replace us!" Have you met his son in law?


Well-Known Member
Who said that it was the left's fault? Trump never did, I never did. Just stated the FACT that it took both sides to create the violent riot. Notice violence always occurs when leftest mobs gather?

You really think Trump is siding with groups that chant "Jews won't replace us!" Have you met his son in law?

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Mssr. Kushner, but if I had the opportunity, I might inquire how he feels having a father-in-law who clearly has such a mental block when it comes to repudiating white nationalists.

It's not very difficult to distance yourself from wannabe nazis, yet Trump chokes every time.

What's up with that?

Anyway, Richard Spencer and David Duke seemed pleased with Trumps performance, I wonder what Jared thinks of that...

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Is this what 'winning' looks like to you?

I neither know nor care if Trump is personally racist, but he's great with the whistle, and the dogs are coming...

People hear what they want to hear. You would think people would be used to Trumps language. Apparently not. It's a weird whistle when the guy constantly bashes Duke and the rest of them. He's disavowed racist groups more than anyone.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
You haven't seen the disavow compilation going back to 2000? What am I thinking, you only watch bash Trump media.


Well-Known Member
You haven't seen the disavow compilation going back to 2000? What am I thinking, you only watch bash Trump media.

I haven't seen that, I'm sure it's riveting.

If you don't think Trump was dog-whistling during his campaign, and during his Presidency thus far, then I'm not sure what to say, and we'll have to agree to disagree.

You and I won't change each other's minds.

Sick of winning yet?


Well-Known Member
If you're going to call someone racist you better have something to back it up.

Which race is he racist to?

His father went to KKK meetings

Trump called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals.

He wants to create a government agency to only highlight crimes by Mexican immigrants.

He said a judge couldn't do his job because his parents were born in Mexico.

He backed the racist birther movement.

His company was fined by the DOJ for discriminating against black tenants.

He retweeted white supremacists, he thinks some white supremacists are good people.

He suggested banning a whole religion from coming to this nation..

He suggested five innocent black teens charged with raping a white woman in Central Park should be put to death. He took out ads calling for their execution.

He hired Steve Bannon who turned Brietbart into the home for the alt right. Steve Bannon said this about Briebart.

He hired Stephen Miller a man who worked with well known racist Richard Spencer on immigration.