Tieguy vs. Canon and Trickpony


Re: Christmas deliveries

I could tell from your behavior that you're fairly low in management, but I figured you were higher than that. Empty my trash while you're mopping.

No problem would you mind having a seat on the waste bucket while I do so?


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: Brown Cafe Warning

Tie, this is almost as fun as when you and that Mail Boxes Etc. guy used to go at it. He called you Lieguy I believe. Can't remember his screen name.


Well isn't that special ?????????
Re: Tieguy vs. Canon

I may have a different spin on this. The way I see it is this. UPS puts money in my pockets, Nowhere on my check have I ever seen Teamsters. The reamster only take money from my check, and those of us in Central Mistakes are paying heavily for it. During peak Saturday work was bidded in the hub and nobody wanted to sign the bid. Well to put money in your pockets and keep the CUSTOMERS happy so that they will continue to use UPS ( company that keeps putting money in my pocket ) sups delivered and the following Monday all you heard in the centers was Management work I;m going to fill a grievance. Give me a break. Packages were delivered, customers are happy and I get money put in my pockets. Who cares.