Time for something different? Johnson- Weld


Well-Known Member
I will admit that I had no idea what or who Aleppo was.

same here , I kind of had a oh yea moment when it was explained. knew it but had to remind myself.

This issue is part of the old mindset standard where we think our presidential candidates should know every country and every leader.

me personally I don't know if I want that in my president anymore. I don't want a president that thinks he has to police every part of the world


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
same here , I kind of had a oh yea moment when it was explained. knew it but had to remind myself.

This issue is part of the old mindset standard where we think our presidential candidates should know every country and every leader.

me personally I don't know if I want that in my president anymore. I don't want a president that thinks he has to police every part of the world
welcome to team johnson ;)


golden ticket member
With the Aleppo screw up I wonder if Mitt wants Johnson on the debate stage now. All that pot smoking killed a few brain cells in gary.!!!!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
"So what about Aleppo" the guy asks out of the blue....?? Gary, befuddled by the trickery of the delivery from the interviewer... thinking it was some kind of of an acronym goes...huh?

Surely, those who work at UPS (king of the acronym world) can understand how that would be confusing.

It would be like Clinton, sitting there and the interviewer saying.."So what about Weiner" What weiner.. I haven't seen a weiner for like... forever. "No, Anthony Weiner"... :D


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Weld on Aleppo gaffe: 'It's quite a moment on television'

"I think Gary just didn't realize the context was Syria or geography or anything like that," Weld said. Weld added that if the question to Johnson had been, "'What do you think about the terrible atrocities of the refugee problem in Aleppo', that would put it in context."

"This morning, I began my day by setting aside any doubt that I'm human. Yes, I understand the dynamics of the Syrian conflict -- I talk about them every day. But hit with 'What about Aleppo?', I immediately was thinking about an acronym, not the Syrian conflict. I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign."

I'll take this all day over crooked, lying Hillary or bombastic Trump.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Weld on Aleppo gaffe: 'It's quite a moment on television'

"I think Gary just didn't realize the context was Syria or geography or anything like that," Weld said. Weld added that if the question to Johnson had been, "'What do you think about the terrible atrocities of the refugee problem in Aleppo', that would put it in context."

"This morning, I began my day by setting aside any doubt that I'm human. Yes, I understand the dynamics of the Syrian conflict -- I talk about them every day. But hit with 'What about Aleppo?', I immediately was thinking about an acronym, not the Syrian conflict. I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign."

I'll take this all day over crooked, lying Hillary or bombastic Trump.
Honestly to me this means to me he has democrats and republicans worried.

He ran in 2012 and this wouldn't of even been a blip on the media radar had it happened then.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
If the ‘Aleppo’ Flub Disqualifies Johnson, Then Trump and Clinton Are Disqualified, Too

Donald Trump not know what Brexit was?” Now, in case you’ve forgotten about this exchange, let me refresh your memory. It was during an interview with Michael Wolff of The Hollywood Reporter earlier this summer, and it went like this: Wolff: “And Brexit? Your position?” Trump: “Huh?” Wolff: “Brexit.” Trump: “Hmm.” Wolff: “The Brits leaving the EU.” Brexit was dominating the headlines all around the world, and yet Trump could only answer a question about it after being told what it even was.

Hillary Clinton, the captain of team “I Don’t Know.” She and her supporters replied “I don’t know” a whopping 327 times during her e-mail investigation.

It’s one thing to say you think that Johnson is, overall, unqualified, and to support Trump or Clinton instead. But if you’re saying that it’s his Aleppo flub in itself that disqualifies him? Well, in that case, you logically can’t support either of the other two — because the standard you yourself have set would disqualify your preferred candidate as well.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Russia, U.S. reach cease-fire deal for Syria

The United States and Russia said early Saturday in Geneva they had reached a landmark agreement that would lead to a cease-fire in the five-year-old Syrian civil war and pave the way for broader military cooperation in the battle against the Islamic State and al-Qaeda terrorists.

Secretary of State John Kerry called the deal a potential "turning point" in the bloody conflict, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and forced millions to flee their homes. Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced the agreement in Geneva, Switzerland where negotiators hammered out the deal

The US and Russia just came to an agreement over Syria - just like Gary said he would do it if he were president.

"I love the fact that this news came exactly one day after Gary made the rounds with the media preaching this would be how he would aim to resolve Syria."


@tonyexpress , you do realize that talks have been ongoing for the better part of this decade?

There are a lot of 'ifs' in the agreement, and for the last five years the Russians have not stopped Assad from violating any ceasefire, and then denying it. Never mind the Iranian involvement to anything resembling a true peace.

Your Randian candidate is woefully unprepared for Foreign Policy.


Inordinately Right
@tonyexpress , you do realize that talks have been ongoing for the better part of this decade?

There are a lot of 'ifs' in the agreement, and for the last five years the Russians have not stopped Assad from violating any ceasefire, and then denying it. Never mind the Iranian involvement to anything resembling a true peace.

Your Randian candidate is woefully unprepared for Foreign Policy.
He is woefully unprepared for our current foreign policy strategy. But how's that been working out for us?

Commerce with all, alliance with none.


Well-Known Member
Honestly to me this means to me he has democrats and republicans worried.

He ran in 2012 and this wouldn't of even been a blip on the media radar had it happened then.

I don't think he has trump worried. Trump was doing better in the polls with Johnson included.