Tipping on the diad???


For real. It's outta hand bro.
My rules for tipping work pretty well for me. It's just what I do, I guess others have their own system.

1) Never tip on top of taxes and other fees. Deduct those from the total before you calculate your tip.
2) Base is 15%. It goes up or down depending on quality of service.
3) Always tip cash. Never electronically, under any circumstances.
4) Never tip at the counter.


Retired 22 years
I have no trouble leaving a 20% tip at a place where they actually wait on you---but NOT at any place where you order at the counter and they either bring it to you (10%) or you have to pick it up at the counter (ZERO%). We always leave cash tips- (on the table)-none of this pick a choice, 20% 25% or 30% crap that shows up on the screen when you use a credit card.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
:censored2: tipping. I generally just avoid using tipped services altogether. What a brilliant business idea though. Gaslight your employees into getting pissed at customers instead of the employer for not paying enough. The U.S. is like the only place where people gobbled it down hook, line, and sinker.



• call customers for signatures
• leave their booze 😎
• feed their dogs treats
• save your complaints ( they don’t wanna hear it you make $40 an hr for a highschool level job)
• flirt with lonely house wives


60 months and counting
We had a guy like him here , he made his helper know the DOK . He would work for free an hour early to organize his truck
Fk that…we should have language that says if a shop steward catches an employee going through their car before start time they get a warning and if it happens again they are out of a job…these kind of drivers are nothing but me-sters…


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Fk that…we should have language that says if a shop steward catches an employee going through their car before start time they get a warning and if it happens again they are out of a job…these kind of drivers are nothing but me-sters…
We have 22.4s that write the hin numbers on the packages