To the ISPs


Staff member
You may be able to quibble over a few pennies but the major parts of the contract aren't changing.
Why waste your $ on an attorney, sign it or your out. That's how the negotiations will go. Get your patches and truck lettering now for your 7/16 signing.
What's the hurry?


Well-Known Member
You will probably be fine with your shrewd "negotiating skills". I just didn't know how to kiss Fred's but as good as you. Just let me know did you get most if not all of your routes for free?


Staff member
You will probably be fine with your shrewd "negotiating skills". I just didn't know how to kiss Fred's but as good as you. Just let me know did you get most if not all of your routes
Yes. I'm sure you were a victim of malicious management.

I got the routes by being in the right place at the right time and being willing to take them and hire drivers. Also being willing to run supplementals. Surprised? I'm not. It's a lot of crap to put up with.


Well-Known Member
Not surprised at all. You were the guy that if another contractor wanted to make a point and not service a flexed area you would swoop in and be the terminal hero and end up with that area. It's guys like you that made it impossible for another contractor to make a point. A bottom feeder.


Well-Known Member
Not surprised at all. You were the guy that if another contractor wanted to make a point and not service a flexed area you would swoop in and be the terminal hero and end up with that area. It's guys like you that made it impossible for another contractor to make a point. A bottom feeder.


Staff member
Not surprised at all. You were the guy that if another contractor wanted to make a point and not service a flexed area you would swoop in and be the terminal hero and end up with that area. It's guys like you that made it impossible for another contractor to make a point. A bottom feeder.
Incorrect. When I took area it was with the other contractor's blessing. We are talking about 15 years ago in a smallish station long before multiple routes was looked upon by many as anything but a headache. Only reason I did it was because it was a way for me to branch out into covering vacations. Only reasons I covered vacations was because the same route every day bored me.


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. When I took area it was with the other contractor's blessing. We are talking about 15 years ago in a smallish station long before multiple routes was looked upon by many as anything but a headache. Only reason I did it was because it was a way for me to branch out into covering vacations. Only reasons I covered vacations was because the same route every day bored me.
You were the contractor the terminal managers gave the inside scoop to. I've seen this numerous times in my terminal. I've got you pegged. It's ok you will fit in just great with them.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Not surprised at all. You were the guy that if another contractor wanted to make a point and not service a flexed area you would swoop in and be the terminal hero and end up with that area. It's guys like you that made it impossible for another contractor to make a point. A bottom feeder.
Bottom feeder? How long were you a single? How much territory did you give away over the years because you wouldn't take the risk of hiring another driver? I know a lot of guys that would have been at scale when we flipped had they not been giving stuff away for decades.

gixxer squid

Well-Known Member
For someone like myself and any other western united staters who are going through the current ISP "lets call it negotiation" I have to say I am very disappointed at the route this thread took. Do we not all have enough issues to fight with Fred and the crap that constantly gets shoved down our throats than to be having flame wars amongst ourselves. Seriously, no wonder S H I T can't get done.

Another reason most people who could find this board useful don't sign up or post and just lurk.


Well-Known Member
Not surprised at all. You were the guy that if another contractor wanted to make a point and not service a flexed area you would swoop in and be the terminal hero and end up with that area. It's guys like you that made it impossible for another contractor to make a point. A bottom feeder.

Doesn't sound like that is him. Sounds close to me though. You call it bottom feeder, I call it good managerial skills and business sense. If me or my manager is doing nothing why not get some extra pay for the day.
Impossible to prove a point???
Is the point that you can't staff properly or structure your business for growth because that is all they would see with that point.
If there were not people like us they would get fed up with people like you (point makers) much faster and pull your contracts much quicker.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like that is him. Sounds close to me though. You call it bottom feeder, I call it good managerial skills and business sense. If me or my manager is doing nothing why not get some extra pay for the day.
Impossible to prove a point???
Is the point that you can't staff properly or structure your business for growth because that is all they would see with that point.
If there were not people like us they would get fed up with people like you (point makers) much faster and pull your contracts much quicker.
I don't know how long you were a contractor for but there are some examples in the past, that if I told you, you probably wouldn't believe they have done. In these cases trust me it's a bottom feeder not great managerial skills. As soon as I get rid of this mess I will be very specific.


Well-Known Member
For someone like myself and any other western united staters who are going through the current ISP "lets call it negotiation" I have to say I am very disappointed at the route this thread took. Do we not all have enough issues to fight with Fred and the crap that constantly gets shoved down our throats than to be having flame wars amongst ourselves. Seriously, no wonder S H I T can't get done.

Another reason most people who could find this board useful don't sign up or post and just lurk.
Did you join with other contractors or buy some routes?

gixxer squid

Well-Known Member
Did you join with other contractors or buy some routes?

We bought 2 psa 5 years ago for 100k. 2 years ago we bought 2 psa and 2 sup for 350k. Last payment this sept.

Last year we bought another psa for 75k to be to scale with ISP. We are fine for time being

Started small. Worked to where we are now. Baby steps and reinvestment.

We were not fortunate enough to be In the beginning when they were given away. I hold no ill will to those that were fortunate to be in right place at right time nor blame them when opportunity arises.

No one contractor can stand up to the man. A terminal maybe, but not a sole contractor. Not even worth wasting finger tapping time writing this Until we unite, no one with a half million or more invested is going to put their investment in jeopardy by fedex's one sided contract. It's just as simple as that.