Today's pcm... Heat Risk



Forecast for Dave's workweek:

Mon 81 63

Tues 81 63

Wed 79 64

Thur 81 59

Fri 81 61

Looks like you need to wear a jacket in the morning. Oops, u beat me to it.


Victory Ride


Well-Known Member
Unlike yourself and the BOG, BUG is not the only person in the whole wide world in the union so, it seems, he speaks for the broad spectrum of union humanity.


Well-Known Member
I agree UPS bit off way more than they can chew.

Increased workload with the same amenities we've "enjoyed" in the last 100+ years.

Let them dump more stops on me IDC I'll work all day, but not under these circumstances.

Stop giving me these useless new cars management tells me are a privilege. It's long and narrow. I can't find anything except bulk in it and they're uncomfortable in the cab since the seat is too low. The key FOB causes more aggravation because they always break and something doesn't work. Bulkhead door won't open and I have to use my hand to open it after I got up or the ignition button is broken and I'm using the keys anyway. REALLY BRAND NEW PACKAGE CAR and NO A/C. I'll take a old International diesel any day. At least I can fit bulk under the shelf. I now have 200 pieces in my car everyday and I'm blown out struggling to locate packages until about 1 pm everyday. My customers all express sympathy because the truck isn't air conditioned. You should be embarrassed.

Stop giving me 20-30 access point stops and make me write "stories" on every info notice I fill out. Congrats you won. I don't want to fill out nonsense on a info note I can't really write on (I know, recently they redesigned the infonotice to make the glue part on top). Now I driver release in places I wouldn't normally since I don't want to write out all this nonsense on a delivery note. Enjoy your tracers.

Keep playing 21 questions with me when I deliver packages to the same place at the same time everyday. I do not read the menu on the DIAD anymore. Whether or not it is a mixed residential/commercial building is not for me to determine. The buildings department has a database they tax everyone accordingly.

Stop giving me helpers that aren't trained. I give all my helpers the center phone number. They can teach how to use the board.
Yeah, but did you turn in any sales leads today?