Trump’s Failed Military

The big package

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not , not everything is political . American's join the military for many different reasons . Who is in the or not in the White House has absolutely nothing to do with it and like everything else most soldiers are good people , hero's in fact !!!!!
You have to remember that many Trump supporters have no issues with Trump and his cabinet negotiating with the terrorist organization the Taliban. It disgusting. Trump even invited the Taliban to Camp David a couple years ago on US taxpayer dollars. He backed out, bad optics.
People who served don't bring up their service to try and win an online argument. Doubt you've ever served anything other than McDonald's fries. Carry on kiddo.
Not trying to win any argument. You certainly are entitled to your misinformed opinions. Just pointing out my many decades of service and experience. I walked the walk, not just talked the talk.


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