trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So you're upset this American lawyer is following our laws and helping immigrants legally become citizens of our country?

What happened to, we don't hate immigrants, we just think they should follow the laws and enter this country legally?
I am.

I don't want and more Islamic terrorists coming into the country.

And every Islamic terrorist is a Muslim, I don't want them coming here.


Well-Known Member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, well, well... Once FOX news political pundit, and now DRUMPF spokesperson has to WALKBACK claim that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were responsible for the death of Captain Khan.

Only problem, he died in 2004 under George W. Bush... DUH.............!

Katerina Pierson, went all over cable news spreading this line of DRUMPF crap, and now has to take it back. Typical nonsense coming out of the DRUMPF camp.

Drumpfs new slogan.. "Have shovel, will dig"


Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson backtracks on blaming Obama for 2004 death of Humayun Khan

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trouble in paradise... With DRUMPF causing his own problems daily on the campaign trail, and his campaign staff either quitting or getting fired, The RNC is having meetings to determine what to do should DRUMPF decide to DROP OUT OF THE RACE before the election..!

ABC News Drops Bombshell: Trump Might Drop Out Of 2016 Race

This is the LAST thing the democrats need in this election.. DRUMPF must stay in the RACE!!

LCD's, dont let your candidate commit political suicide and drop out!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Real Brown,

A month ago, you thought you had the perfect candidate going into the convention, and you couldnt wait for the general election campaign to get rolling. Today, your candidate is falling apart, lie after lie surfacing, and DRUMPF looking like a human punching bag.

You thought you had the high ground, with your certainty that hillary would get charged and end up in prison, you thought you had all the dirt to destroy hillary, yet, she leads by +9 and your candidates campaign imploding behind the scenes.

Now, another lie surfaces, and this one not good for DRUMPF either.

I have a question for you, "do you feel stupid yet?"

ABC News Confronts Donald Trump After He Blatantly Lied About Building Vietnam Memorial



Well-Known Member
Oh NOW he can spot a photoshop?

He spends a little more than a year posting photoshopped images of obama and michele, and NOW he can spot a photoshop?

Maybe the trailer park got broadband.


it did now I can watch you pacing around in your padded room without leaving my house.
