trump 2016


Well-Known Member
I occasionally deliver to a Carrier warehouse, they got self-driving forklifts a year or so ago. It was bizarre seeing it when they first got them, heavy machinery moving around heavy machinery with no person to be seen. They're unionized, and I really have to wonder how that played out.

I also have to wonder what's cheaper in the long run, a computer driving your forklift, or a low payed Mexican worker. I guess long term no country's economy is safe from the impending singularity.

After the initial investment is paid off automation is always cheaper.


"AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to turn to Donald Trump speaking last March.

DONALD TRUMP: I will call the head of Carrier, and I will say, "I hope you enjoy your new building. I hope you enjoy your stay in Mexico. Here’s the story, folks: Every single air-conditioning unit that you build and send across our border, you’re going to pay a 35 percent tax on that unit."

AMY GOODMAN: In fact, in that same speech, he decried giving tax breaks and said, "We will just tax every air conditioner that you send up from Mexico"—exactly the opposite of what is happening now, Robert.

ROBERT WEISSMAN: Right. And, you know, there are a lot of things that could be done, in this particular case, without paying bribes. As you point out, the parent company basically feeds from the Defense Department, so this is a government-dependent company. It’s one of the ones over which the U.S. government has the most leverage, without paying bribes, if it chooses to exert it. And Trump didn’t do that."

From Democracy now december 2nd show. Robert Weissman is president of public citizen. i would start the show from the 13 minute mark.


I think if Amy Goodman were able to get double the airtime and triple the funding for her radio show, Democracy Now and if the only condition is that she would only be able say her name once every half hour, she would refuse the offer.


Well-Known Member
I occasionally deliver to a Carrier warehouse, they got self-driving forklifts a year or so ago. It was bizarre seeing it when they first got them, heavy machinery moving around heavy machinery with no person to be seen. They're unionized, and I really have to wonder how that played out.

I also have to wonder what's cheaper in the long run, a computer driving your forklift, or a low payed Mexican worker. I guess long term no country's economy is safe from the impending singularity.

As someone who repairs and maintains some automated equipment, price of technology has and continues to drop and thus the cost of automation verses human labor is tilting into the hands of automation. Even factors in initial costs, comparing automation to human, in many respects the automation start up costs may still be cheaper depending on the application. Variables will also apply location to location as it pertains to scale. Obviously automation is more cost effective with 100,000 packages as opposed to 100.

You can't just judge the human employee vs automation from a purely wage cost basis but also factor in all benefit costs, various taxation (Social Security excise tax for example) and then the costs of not only training and continuing training but also costs to infrastructure to meet employee needs or regulatory concerns.

Also productive output factors in as in the case of UPS, we are testing the Ribus Unloader system that real world operations is producing an unload rate of trailers at about 8k packages per hour (PPH). I've seen human unloaders in short bursts hit 1800 pph but on average over a work hour, about 1200 pph is exceptional. The new Mega Hub in Atlanta will utilize label applicators (SPA and SSLA) that have apply rates pushing towards 10k PPH while human operated are half that even the the absolute best of circumstances. That is an economic cost you have to figure into the equation as day one productive output with automation can be double if not triple that of the human labor.

From what I've seen and kept up with over the last 2 decades working with automation, including some over the horizon technologies, automation is quickly gaining an upper hand in this argument from my own personal experience and observation.


In the dec 2 episode of democracy now, robert weissman says donald trump will probably be the most corrupt president ever because of his investments around the world and its not expected that donald trump will divest.


Well-Known Member
In the dec 2 episode of democracy now, robert weissman says donald trump will probably be the most corrupt president ever because of his investments around the world and its not expected that donald trump will divest.
Do you have the capacity to think for yourself?


Do you have the capacity to think for yourself?
i apparently think better than some of the other guys on this site as my news sources are better.

a few years ago when i first turned onto politics i over did it and freaked out. but even though i overdid it, alot of what i said and who i listened to was right. at present, the climate is in meltdown, the economy is a disaster, and some developed countries are close to fascism by going after vulnerable segments of the population.

people cant even figure out that the US govt is the biggest terrorist organization in the world. they dont even understand that when the government is attacking dakota access pipeline protestors, that is an act of terrorism. or that alqaida or ISIS terrorism is not a huge deal relatively speaking. or that terrorism statistically kills very few americans per year, and therefore why are so many resources being used to supposedly fight it.
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Well-Known Member
i apparently think better than some of the other guys on this site as my news sources are better.

people cant even figure out that the US govt is the biggest terrorist organization in the world. they dont even understand that when the government is attacking dakota access pipeline protestors, that is an act of terrorism.
I don't follow the protest, wee the protesters attacked? I heard they were going to supply shelter for them so they don't freeze. The govt doesn't have jurisdiction over public lands?


I don't follow the protest, wee the protesters attacked? I heard they were going to supply shelter for them so they don't freeze. The govt doesn't have jurisdiction over public lands?
no quite contrary, they shot them with water cannons laced with mace.

yes the protestors were attacked first by the government. whatever happened to letting peaceful protestors exercise their rights?

im not following it too closely either, but i have read stuff on it. trump is invested in the pipelines or whatever.

i should say obama was a terrible president, better than bush. im guessing trump will be worse than obama, might be better but not enough to convince people that trump followed through on his promises. i think the people who supported him are going to be very disappointed.


Well-Known Member
no quite contrary, they shot them with water cannons laced with mace.

yes the protestors were attacked first by the government. whatever happened to letting peaceful protestors exercise their rights?

im not following it too closely either, but i have read stuff on it. trump is invested in the pipelines or whatever.

i should say obama was a terrible president, better than bush. im guessing trump will be worse than obama, might be better but not enough to convince people that trump followed through on his promises. i think the people who supported him are going to be very disappointed.
You should read the full articles before making your conclusion. We have laws here.


Well-Known Member
In the dec 2 episode of democracy now, robert weissman says donald trump will probably be the most corrupt president ever because of his investments around the world and its not expected that donald trump will divest.

Interesting , Robert Weissman works for one of the most dishonest media sources ever.