Trump and China


Engorged Member
Trump has claimed he is going to "get tough" on China and bring back most of the jobs lost to off-shoring. Good luck with that, and here are a few reasons why, although I'm sure I'll get flamed by the usual suspects.

How many large US companies are co-dependent on China. Quite a few, just off the top of my head. How about WalMart, the union-hating company that routinely ignores NLRB rulings against it? The vast majority of what you buy in a WalMart is manufactured in China, in companies financed by and run by WalMart.

The same is true for the vast majority of retailers of consumer goods. $4 per hour would be a princely sum in China, so why, pray tell, would any company want out of such a sweet deal? Think they'll be lobbying against any deals that would squash such a one-sided bargain? How much would your Tupperware cost if it were produced instead by a US worker making $20 per hour?

Boeing sells 1/3rd of it's jets to China. GM has a very large presence in China, where Buicks are a prestige car.

If Trump slaps tariffs on China, they would certainly retaliate, something few NeoCons consider. The US investment in China is vast, a fact Trump clearly doesn't understand, but he's willing to kill international trade in return for the votes he got through idiotic "promises" he can't deliver on.

Maybe he can ask Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans how to get the Chinese jobs back, because Mitt and Friends are the ones who sent them overseas in the first place so more profits could be made. The bulk of Romney's money in the last 2 decades came form his oversight and partnerships in concerns that killed "our" jobs.

Trump...a disaster in the making. Please begin your usual racist and/or ignorant responses.
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Inordinately Right
Orange is the new black, and MrFedex is the new TOS.... what a world.

Come on man, we've got like 77 threads about Obama, is your goal to do the same with Trump?