Trump fires FBI Director James Comey


Well-Known Member
Yet many other sites continue to quote the original debunked story.

Satire Alert:

Fake news. (Here's your first tip that this post is satire: I don't call things 'fake news', and I'm responding to a cartoon...)

According to the Gateway Pundit, after being informed by the WH, Spicer wasn't 'in' the bushes, he was 'among' the bushes. (This is satirical because it makes no difference whether Spicer was in, on, under, on top of, around, among, or through the bushes, the fact is he was outside by the bushes talking to the press...why was he outside? why wasn't he at his lectern doing his job? The entire premise is inherently ridiculous...)

The Washington Post was forced to issue an apology. (They didn't, and you should have known that I knew they didn't...)

Why so serious?


Nine Lives
I record SNL just to see the Trump/Spicey skits.


Well-Known Member
If it were a Democrat President with this level of smoke, Republicans would be drafting impeachment documents.

Imagine if HRC had won, kept Comey on, and then fired him several months later - and then a memo was leaked about bla bla bla.

Republican heads would be 'sploding!

you mean like the attorney general meeting with bill Clinton on the tarmac? how soon you guys forget.


nowhere special
Great is a subjective term but I'll take feedback.

meme (definition)
an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
  • a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.
I'll be nice tonight.
Don't you get tired of being wrong when you challenge me?