Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies

El Correcto

god is dead
Try actually reading that.
I already know about Andrew Jackson.

I know about his dueling, he offering bounties to bring him back his slaves so he could whip them, his loss of popularity by wanting to maintain the union at the cost of southerners, his feuds with his own VP, him being despised by the elitists, his marriage drama, etc etc etc.

I was simply highlighting the one instance in america’s history that proved you wrong.

El Correcto

god is dead
Jackson, who would become the country's seventh commander in chief in 1829, promised anyone who captured this "Mulatto Man Slave" a reward of $50, plus "reasonable" expenses paid. Jackson added a line that some historians find particularly cruel. It offered "ten dollars extra, for every hundred lashes any person will give him, to the amount of three hundred." The ad was signed, "ANDREW JACKSON, Near Nashville, State of Tennessee."
Hunting down runaway slaves: The cruel ads of Andrew Jackson and 'the master class'
My bad the sick bastard offered people money to whip his slave before returning him.

I don’t like a lot of Andrew Jackson, he is up there with worse presidents in history along with both of his VPs which continued his legacy of being bad presidents.


Inordinately Right
I was simply highlighting the one instance in america’s history that proved you wrong.

I pointed out the country has always been in debt and always will be.... And you proved me wrong by pointing out that one time where some ignorant fool sold off an enormous amount of assets so we could be debt free for a couple of months before a huge economic collapse.

Freaking brilliant.

El Correcto

god is dead

I pointed out the country has always been in debt and always will be.... And you proved me wrong by pointing out that one time where some ignorant fool sold off an enormous amount of assets so we could be debt free for a couple of months before a huge economic collapse.

Freaking brilliant.
You are still wrong son, we weren’t in debt. Learner some history stuff bro.


Well-Known Member
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Read article
It's complete total
, offered strictly from his view politically, if the book is anything close to the reviewers portrayal it's less than adequate as lining for your bird cage. I actually saw more of Obama in this piece.

If I had the time and actually cared I could dissemble it point by point.
The guy may be a lawyer, but in his heart he knew it was an offering of propaganda for useless idiots.


Well-Known Member
That’s why you and I agree so much...

I’ll admit, I just skimmed the article, but it’s not anything I don’t disagree with.

Are there facts in the article you don’t like?
Start listing the facts, maybe there are some in Burt Neuborne's biography, beyond that, tripe.


Well-Known Member
This country was in debt at it's founding. It's always been in debt. It always will be in debt. Someday you'll have to come to terms with that fren.

The government gives billions of your tax dollars to Israel yet you are concerned about investment in space. Sad.
More anti-semitism, you're correct, we only give money to the Jews.
You're a sad and sick man, or whatever you are.


Well-Known Member
I don’t like a lot of Andrew Jackson, he is up there with worse presidents in history along with both of his VPs which continued his legacy of being bad presidents.
John Calhoun never was President, only VP. Ironically enough was a pioneer in the concept of minority rights in politics at the time. Just not quite extending that right to Slaves yet.
Interestingly enough, Martin Van Buren (Jackson's other VP) was the only POTUS to speak English as a 2nd language. And served 1 term, most likely due to economic down turn. Later on becoming important figure in the Anti Slavery movement & Free Soil Party.

El Correcto

god is dead
John Calhoun never was President, only VP. Ironically enough was a pioneer in the concept of minority rights in politics at the time. Just not quite extending that right to Slaves yet.
Interestingly enough, Martin Van Buren (Jackson's other VP) was the only POTUS to speak English as a 2nd language. And served 1 term, most likely due to economic down turn. Later on becoming important figure in the Anti Slavery movement & Free Soil Party.
I was thinking of Buchanan.