Trump's and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's Call Transcript

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
When Trump was playing golf during Hurricane Dorian, who did he send to Ukraine to do his bidding?

Mike Pence.

The toilet is getting full. Time for a flush.
The wife says to me "could you go downstairs and turn the lights off " I tell my son "go over there turn the lights off" wife looks at me and gets mad. True story


Well-Known Member
Republicans, nor his legal counsel, aren't allowed to question witnesses. The President isn't allowed to face his accuser, the so called whistleblower, who actually doesn't meet the standard of whistleblower under the statute. That guy's identity came out today by the way. Registered Democrat who worked in Obama administration for Joe Biden.


Well-Known Member
Republicans, nor his legal counsel, aren't allowed to question witnesses. The President isn't allowed to face his accuser, the so called whistleblower, who actually doesn't meet the standard of whistleblower under the statute. That guy's identity came out today by the way. Registered Democrat who worked in Obama administration for Joe Biden.
Don’t you just hate it when rules are followed?

It would seem that someone with an IQ of 150 could figure out the basics, maybe not.


Staff member
Republicans, nor his legal counsel, aren't allowed to question witnesses. The President isn't allowed to face his accuser, the so called whistleblower, who actually doesn't meet the standard of whistleblower under the statute. That guy's identity came out today by the way. Registered Democrat who worked in Obama administration for Joe Biden.
Won’t all that happen IF McConnell has the trial in the Senate?


Well-Known Member
Won’t all that happen IF McConnell has the trial in the Senate?
It should never come to that because this is a farce. But to your point Bill Clinton's legal counsel was allowed to ask questions and present evidence as were ranking Democrats on various committees. Newt Gingrich ran a transparent process. Why aren't Schiff and Pelosi doing the same?


Staff member
It should never come to that because this is a farce. But to your point Bill Clinton's legal counsel was allowed to ask questions and present evidence as were ranking Democrats on various committees. Newt Gingrich ran a transparent process. Why aren't Schiff and Pelosi doing the same?
Did Boehner change the rules?


Well-Known Member
Did Boehner change the rules?
I don't know, did he? Did Boehner try to impeach Obama? As far as Clinton was concerned Gingrich went to great.lengths to insure fairness and transparency. Using a guy who got kicked out of the White House for leaking bogus stories as a whistleblower, even though he didn't actually hear the phone call, makes Schiff's motives look suspect. Schiff, the guy who said he had seen actual proof of Trump colluding with Russia but couldn't produce it.