Union Politics - Local 952 Leadership Keeping Their Hands Clean Of H-hall Name


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm up the food chain. You are down the food chain. You are inconsequential to me. When you are me and I'm somebody I don't got to tell nobody who the hell I am. I was part of an effort that got so many signatures for Hoffa anf hall that it was a pretty big deal. That what you get son.
" I'm up the food chain. You are down the food chain"
You summed your whole self up in that one statement. You believe you are better than your own Teamster brothers and sisters. Where ever you came from be it Freight, UPS, Warehouse, ect..... you are a Teamster. You are No better than your brothers or sisters no matter what position you hold. This is why our union is some what divided. Teamsters like you think members are to do what ever you say, kiss your ass, and pay your paycheck.

There is plenty of this attitude at local 952. Some of the Leadership and BAs think they are gods gift to the members. They feel that the members should be happy they have a job and just shut up. They feel no need to ever visit their members.

Then there are some that feel honored to represent their members. Some that don't forget they come from the truck, warehouse, Liquor truck ect.... Some that believe the members come first. Some leadership and BAs believe they are in the positions they are because the members trust them to protect them at all cost, teach them by having orientations and real steward seminars and to show they care by visiting the yards and making sure everything is ok. Sometimes do small things like just giving a jacket or a hat.

LB, Get of your high horse and remember where you came from.


I am loyal to my friends and fight like hell to give my members all I have and then some.


promoted to mediocrity