Unscheduled pickup...


Well-Known Member
What about packages that are delivered, then we get the little paper a week or so later saying to go pick the package back up from the customer. We were told to put it in as an unscheduled then scan it in as refused, because when you track the package it shows it being delivered, then a few days later refused, but never shows picked up...what do you all do in this kind of situation?


Man of Great Wisdom
I know it doesn't show up in pick-up pieces. It gets included with all your other special counts like recovery pieces, intl waybills etc. Either way you get paid more if you scan them. The credit you get or the time it takes.


Well-Known Member
What about packages that are delivered, then we get the little paper a week or so later saying to go pick the package back up from the customer. We were told to put it in as an unscheduled then scan it in as refused, because when you track the package it shows it being delivered, then a few days later refused, but never shows picked up...what do you all do in this kind of situation?

Pick up the package and sheet it as refused not a unscheduled pick up. When the package hits your clerk at night, he will take care of the rest.


Well-Known Member
It will get scanned at the bldg just like all the other pkgs are, and billing will follow

Ever track a pkg.......it gets scanned many times along its journey.

All I know, these pkgs are not reflected in my pick up pieces. Check it next time.

Not to be the devil's advocate, but what happens when one of these days, you just pick up the package, throw it in with the load and it gets lost in the building, or the label comes off and it gets thrown into overgoods, or even worse somebody decides they want whatever is in that package?

That's when the customer is going to say, "I gave it to such and such a driver and no tracking information ever showed up and it never got delivered.

If the package turns up to be insured for a good bit of money, your in your sup's office explain why you never scanned the package. What happens when it's insured for over $1,000 and they don't have you sign the related docs and something happens back at the center? Yeah, the customer should know better than to flag you down, but who do you think they are going to blame?

One of the biggest selling points about our tracking to our customers is "in theory" the package gets scanned every time it changes hands and it's all real-time.

As local804 said, when in doubt ask at for it to be discussed at the PCM that day. If your sup screams at you for not knowing, when something hits the fan you can always say "remember when I asked and you looked at me like an idiot?". Also again, if they tell you the wrong thing and 70 people are doing it wrong, who do you think is going to get in trouble?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the questions posed... it is a relief to know that I'm not the only one that has struggles with the finer aspects of Unscheduled P/U vs PPD (e.g. how to properly scan internet shipping packages). I suspect the finer aspects vary from center to center (whether or not they should vary is an entirely different story) so I'll add the questions to my list of questions to ask the center manager or ask him to demonstrate some day when I'm scanning the packages that came in over the counter. I'm pretty sure computer-based DIAD IV training covers internet shipping packages but that silliness was like getting inundated with a fire hose because you needed a drink of water.


Well-Known Member
Brownsuit, while I respect your points and I strive to represent UPS well, the ARS pkgs that I "throw in" with the load are 99% recycled toner cartridges.

Not only did the customer not keep track of the track number, they don't even care.

As far as high value pkgs or even an internet labeled pkg, if its not associated with a regular pick up, it gets scanned and handled as an unscheduled pick up.

Maybe I'm wrong and there is some sort of time allowance for these ARS pkgs, like brown monster says. If so, I don't think it would impact my day much more than a few UPS micro-seconds.

Like the author of the thread is a bit confused, so are many in management. I have asked the same question on a particular subject towards many in mgmt, and NEVER had a consensus. It is truly amazing.

I just go out there everyday and do what I believe is the right thing to do, and do it as good as I can.

If it seems wrong, than it probably is!


Active Member
I apologize for asking this again, but does the customer get charged if they hand us a package and we put it in as a unscheduled pickup? If so does anyone know what the charge is? And I dont mean an ARS package.


Well-Known Member
What if it is an ARS box say from Dell, that weights 149 pounds and they give it to you when you walk up to suite 400 with no hand cart because all you are bringing them is one box og Gevalia coffee? First, you must go back down to your truck and move several boxes around so you can access the hand cart and get it out the front cab or rear door. Then you go to do the right thing and just sheet it as ARS for 1 pkg but you realize there is no way to get credit for an o/70 on the ARS screen? Now you have excessive down time and nothing to show for it. Wait a minute.......what am I thinking......I just answered my own question....next time I'll text in for help with the overweight and code all time from before the initial text to having the pkg in my car as driver assist.


What if it is an ARS box say from Dell, that weights 149 pounds .
I bet this happens all the time.
Nobody likes surprises when you are already busy but sometimes things come up that call for extreme measures.Don't worry about your overallowed,just do what you have to to get it done.


Well-Known Member
What if it is an ARS box say from Dell, that weights 149 pounds and they give it to you when you walk up to suite 400 with no hand cart because all you are bringing them is one box og Gevalia coffee? First, you must go back down to your truck and move several boxes around so you can access the hand cart and get it out the front cab or rear door. Then you go to do the right thing and just sheet it as ARS for 1 pkg but you realize there is no way to get credit for an o/70 on the ARS screen? Now you have excessive down time and nothing to show for it. Wait a minute.......what am I thinking......I just answered my own question....next time I'll text in for help with the overweight and code all time from before the initial text to having the pkg in my car as driver assist.

You add your ARS pick up pcs to your next pick up stop. And you can put in your over 70 if you like.


Active Member
you only use unscheduled if the center sends you to cover a pickup thats not in your board, back up another driver or if a customer asks you to come back to that pickup later because they are staying open late or they'll have more later (always notify the center in this case). everything else goes under ppd in special counts. anything else in unscheduled can be taken by management as you trying to gain time,extend your day,etc. which in turn they'll say you are stealing time. everything at ups is stealing time to them. so always cover your a** and don't worry about your time. do the right thing and you'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
so if you are at a stop and 2 different people hand you a prepaid internet pkg you are gonna show a delivery stop and 2 p/u stops at the same place! that is stealing time and when ya get caught you wont be gettin your job back, you should scan them all in the prepaid section or we were told that you could just scan them in and count them at a regular pickup but unscheduled bumps your stops up for doing nothing and this is stealing time,it also bills the customer a pickup charge when they are bringing it to you in order to avoid that charge!


Well-Known Member
Pkgs handed to you on the road should simply be scanned and added to the pkg count of your next scheduled pickup stop. This will give the pkg its origin scan and will not result in a P/U charge to either the person who handed you the pkg or to the P/U account that you added the pkg to. You should only use unscheduled pickup when you are covering scheduled pickups on another area.


Well-Known Member
WOW! I had no idea i would be opening a can of worms like this by asking... and further more after asking arround my center, everyone has a different answer.

Today I got ODS'd telling me to 'please go make a pick up at such and such address' and i asked back if it was a on call air... unscheduled.. and was told to put it under unscheduled.. I get there, and it's a ARS package. I drive 10 min. accross town and get 7 seconds added to my planned day. So i called it in to double check...I was told to sheet it as unscheduled so I asked.. do you want me to sheet an ARS as an unscheduled.. "oh... uh... it's a ARS... oh ... uh... no just go ahead and sheet it under PPD"


Well-Known Member
There is a reason it was changed from ARS to PPD in the special screen. Any pkg prepaid such as ASD, Internet shipper, RS etc goes in this field. If the shipper gets charged back for an On Call or unscheduled pickup when they used prepaid services to avoid that charge do you think that's fair to them? It take 5 seconds to scan it in.
WOW! I had no idea i would be opening a can of worms like this by asking... and further more after asking arround my center, everyone has a different answer.

Today I got ODS'd telling me to 'please go make a pick up at such and such address' and i asked back if it was a on call air... unscheduled.. and was told to put it under unscheduled.. I get there, and it's a ARS package. I drive 10 min. accross town and get 7 seconds added to my planned day. So i called it in to double check...I was told to sheet it as unscheduled so I asked.. do you want me to sheet an ARS as an unscheduled.. "oh... uh... it's a ARS... oh ... uh... no just go ahead and sheet it under PPD"
All this and they may well get on your backside today if you didn't run scratch or better.