UPS and Oil


Well-Known Member
When gas prices go up, people tend to drive less. Add that to the fact that a lot of people don't have the time to go shopping because of their jobs and it all adds up to more money for UPS.


Someone has to deliver the packages that people purchase. UPS has been around for a long time and has a reputation. Look around, do you still see people alone, driving to work...less traffic on the road. I do not where I live so life goes on. I save my gas money buy purchasing on the internet and I protect my job by looking for UPS delivery..


Well-Known Member
A number of reasons are given for the rising prices. There is a higher demand for oil throughout the world than in decades past, largely due to the massive growth and industrialization of China. However, oil production has not kept up with the increase in consumption.
The constant instability in the Middle East has led to a shortage of crude oil being produced there. "The number one oil producer of the world is Saudi Arabia," says Mike Pina, a spokesperson for AAA. "Number two is Iraq. As long as there is a war there, Iraq is not producing as much oil as before the war."
Adding to the problem is the fear that turmoil could interrupt the oil production in other countries. "People are concerned about what could happen in Iran, which also produces oil," Pina says. "The Venezuelans don't like us. There are problems in Nigeria, which is also a very large oil producer. So as long as there are problems in these places, the oil speculators will be nervous about the ability of the world to produce the amount of oil that's necessary and hence you're going to see the oil prices going up."

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
UPS gains a competitive advantage when fuel gets more expensive. We enjoy economies of scale that our competition lacks; in terms of packages delivered per gallon of fuel used, we have a huge advantage over the smller carriers.

I finally agree with you on something! You are so correct on this issue. If the price of diesel continues to rise many independent truckers will go by the wayside. Internet shopping will proliferate and many companies that use their own fleets will "dry dock" them and use large carriers such as UPS. UPS has always done well going in and coming out of recessions. This is no different.

I still feel we need to get this oil dependency under control now before it is to late.


From the promised LAND

I agree as well. Many times we have the ability because of scale to consolidate deliveries of several shippers to the same consignee on the same day. THat makes UPS more proffitable than the also rans. We also have the ability to have one driver cover one area for Air, business ground, and residential delivery. Most of the others use a variety of means to deliver the same area. It is not unusual for me to have three different FEDEX drivers, from 3 different fedex companies deliver to me in the same day.


david cassin

when petrol/diesel goes up at the petrol stations the ordinary folk have to pay and have no problem.they know that ups with its large fleet of vans/trucks & planes have to pay more for fuel as the price rises also.the bigger companies like amazon charge the customer 30-40 or more $ for shipping and get it off of ups for 10-15 so they make on the shipping.they buy the books,cd's all in bulk for a low value and charge the customer a few more dollars than what they bought:happy-very: it for.
theres a shipper in the usa that ships shoes all over the world i see their invoices and they are charging 20-30 for a pair of shoes and 100 $ for ye all know that as they are giving ups x amount of pkgs per day they are on 40 maybe mor % discount so they are well able to soak up fuel surcharges and still make a profit..
i have to laugh at people saying usa is in recession,our business coming into ireland is up major for this time of year,i know well the $ is great at the moment for us europeans but you would swear that money wa going out of fashion for the amount i see being spent on our irish imports.


when petrol/diesel goes up at the petrol stations the ordinary folk have to pay and have no problem.they know that ups with its large fleet of vans/trucks & planes have to pay more for fuel as the price rises also.the bigger companies like amazon charge the customer 30-40 or more $ for shipping and get it off of ups for 10-15 so they make on the shipping.they buy the books,cd's all in bulk for a low value and charge the customer a few more dollars than what they bought:happy-very: it for.
theres a shipper in the usa that ships shoes all over the world i see their invoices and they are charging 20-30 for a pair of shoes and 100 $ for ye all know that as they are giving ups x amount of pkgs per day they are on 40 maybe mor % discount so they are well able to soak up fuel surcharges and still make a profit..
i have to laugh at people saying usa is in recession,our business coming into ireland is up major for this time of year,i know well the $ is great at the moment for us europeans but you would swear that money wa going out of fashion for the amount i see being spent on our irish imports.
Send me some "proper" Guiness from the Mother land, with the money you are saving.
The Guiness here is just brown water.
The only thing receding, in my part of the US, is my hairline.

old brown shoe

30 year driver
Since USA is the bread basket of the world mabey we should raise the price of food to the countries that sell us oil until it hurts. At least we could bring more of our dollars back home to help pay for over priced oil.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Since USA is the bread basket of the world mabey we should raise the price of food to the countries that sell us oil until it hurts. At least we could bring more of our dollars back home to help pay for over priced oil.
What we should do is become energy independent by developing the technology for clean energy. We could keep our dollars here, and tell the rest of the world just what they can do with their oil.


I agree with soberups, we need to develop new technologies and move ahead of the pack. Here in upstate NY things are getting pricey as the cost of fuel goes up. Groceries are going up daily.


Retired 23 years
A good chunk of everybodys rebate check will probably go right into the gas tank or to payoff the winters heating bills. In otherwords right into Bush's buddies pockets. And some say he is dumb.:happy2:


free at last.......
A number of reasons are given for the rising prices. There is a higher demand for oil throughout the world than in decades past, largely due to the massive growth and industrialization of China.

Time to pay up for those cheap Walmart prices.

We've awoken the sleeping giant and I don't think he's going back to sleep unless we put him to sleep. We're creating "middle classes" in all these countries while we lose ours.

Global economy............highly overrated. Unless, of course, you are the one that is profiting from it.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
If you think the price of gas is high.... Look at these prices per gallon!!!
This is based on the price the item sells for and converted to a price per gallon.

Gatorade .........$10.17
Evian Water......$21.19 - Evian spelled backwards is Naive!!!
Brake Fluid ......$33.60

Ever wonder why printers are so cheap? You have to pay for the printer ink!
Printer Ink is ...$5200.00 a gallon !!!!