UPS Driver backed into my newly paved driveway and damaged it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Maybe they can fix the driveway? I still say it was FedEx or Lasership!


Trackless in brown

Well-Known Member
We have a female driver in our neighborhood and she knows me quite well but she almost always drives into the driveway across the street nose first and then backs out .

We recently had our driveway repaved about 5 days ago and have 6 cones in front of it.

Well about 15 minutes ago she backed out of my neighbors drive right into our drive about a foot or so and left tire tracks on the new pavement.

she left before i could run out and say something. I'm so upset I could scream.

Not sure what to do. call the hub and get her in trouble or have the paving company come out and repair at my expense.

she's a very nice person but i have always disliked the fact that she backs out of drives all the time time around here. now it has come back and bit her.

i'll have to sleep on it since this just happened. what do you all think? this is a serious safety issue. what if she backed over a kid?

and I know UPS won't pay for the repair since it is not on video and no witnesses other than me.
Maybe you should stop acting like a snowflake