Hey Rocky we don`t disagree on a lot of things - You just don`t see it my way !
I thought those were one and the same

. I've never shied from a fight with you, Goose. I've also never denied being an opinionated SOB!
Rocky what would be the right thing here? It sounds like a great idea, but it isnt a long term solution.
Lets say ups goes ahead and funds the cs 100% does that fix the problem? How many other companys will option out really hurting the cs plan and current retirees that fought to get us were we are at today.
Im just bringing up points here, i have to look more into it before i will give the thumbs up or down.
Let the debating begin!
Red, you're kicking a bees nest with that question about the "right" thing. In some ways, the "right" thing would be to cut bait. That having been said, there are
many retirees covered by Central States, many of them not retired UPS'ers. I guess the "right" thing would depend on this: do we think its
right to trust CS to pay these retirees? I have my opinion on that one--one as a human being, the other as a UPS employee. Sometimes, the two may be in conflict. Regardless, I think its the best long-term solution to the pension problem at this time. This is the best option as far as
keeping the pension--for now. Do you (or anyone else) have a better idea???
And lets be one 100% clear:
UPS will not fund Central States to its fully-funded level. Doing so would result in a justifiable
lynching of UPS corporate management by shareholders not employed by UPS. OK...I think I'm done for now. Let the flaming begin! -Rocky