UPS on MSNBC last night?


Bush ruined America

No guts to register?? Why register?? What's the point?? It's not going to make a difference if I do or not. If I register can you find me and beat me up or something??


Well-Known Member
No guts to register?? Why register?? What's the point?? It's not going to make a difference if I do or not. If I register can you find me and beat me up or something??

Of course you would do much better at the job of being president, wouldn't you? All you Bush haters want to do is condemn the man, when I'm pretty sure he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with. If you think about it, the president surely isn't overpaid at $400k a year. Do I support Bush only because I'm a Republican? NO--I support him because he is OUR president. I wasn't real fond of everything Clinton did, but you know what, I supported him in office to because of the same reason. That and he was one of the few, if not the only one, to reduce the deficit and balance the budget while in office.
Presidents are mere mortals, and they certainly deserve our support for their efforts, even when they make mistakes, or you don't agree with everything they do. Would you want your wife, kids, or parents to bash you when you make a mistake and never forgive you?
You are free to run for office if you think you could do better.


Well-Known Member
Whenever we look forward to a potential war with Iran, the first logical question to ask is: why did the United States invade Iraq? Naturally, the mainstream media (as well as the alternative media) have given us plenty of supposed reasons, from WMD’s, terrorism, oil, Saddam Hussein, al Qaeda, 9-11, and the desire to spread 'freedom and democracy' (ha, that's a good one) throughout the Middle East. But every one of these explanations is a smokescreen to cover our true motives.

The real reason we waged war with Iraq is that in November, 2000 Saddam Hussein refused to accept the U.S. dollar for his oil, and instead switched to the euro. Hussein also made a dramatic move by switching all of his U.N. reserves from the dollar to the euro. Thus, our invasion was nothing more than an attempt to maintain the dollar’s monopoly on oil purchases throughout the world. Stated differently, we wanted there to be no other choice than the dollar as the world’s sole petro-currency. Our attack, then, was an example to other countries – don’t convert your system over to the euro, and don’t challenge the dollar’s dominance.

And today, even though the U.S. is mired in a godawful war, we did thwart a widespread move to an alternate currency. In addition, we’ve also encircled the Middle East with military bases (especially Iran) so that any future uprisings or shifts away from “popular convention” can be immediately quelled.

To prove this is what happened, ask yourself: what is the first thing the United States did in 2003 after invading Iraq? Answer: after our troops “shocked and awed” their way into Baghdad, they immediately set-up a central bank! Now think about this scenario. We’re in the middle of a war, and what do we do first, above and beyond everything else? We set-up a bank! How much importance do you think this notion has? An enormous amount.

We then ripped-up all of Saddam’s old euro-based oil contracts, switched everything back to the dollar, and tied the whole damn thing back into the Federal Reserve. Our planners also cut-off the euro-based Oil-for-Food program within two months of “Mission Accomplished.”

Now when you think back to America’s invasion of Iraq, why do you think so many countries were perturbed by our actions? It’s because our Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) nullified all of the previous euro-based oil contracts that Saddam Hussein made between 1997-2002 with countries such as France, Russia, and China. The total worth of these agreements totaled $1.1 trillion! They all disappeared into thin air, and had to be renegotiated in dollars.

At this point, one must wonder: how did things get this way? When you consider all the different countries in the world, and all its various people and currencies, why are they only able to buy oil with one type of currency? To answer this question, we need to return in time to 1971. Richard Milhouse Nixon was president, and to appease his Rockefeller controllers who put him in office, he committed one of the gravest offenses ever against this country by taking it off the gold standard.

Shortly thereafter, Henry Kissinger, along with Treasury Secretary William Simon, made a secret deal with Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd where all OPEC oil could only be sold in U.S. dollars. [For a much more extensive explanation of this closed-door deal, see The New World Order Illusion]

Therefore, in the early 1970’s the gold standard was replaced by the oil standard, and since all oil was now priced in U.S. dollars, the oil standard became the dollar standard! So, since everyone in the world needed dollars to buy oil, our dollar became the de facto fiat currency for nearly all international trade, including the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). What this phenomenon essentially did was allow the U.S. to be subsidized by the entire world.

Why, you may wonder? Because, since everybody needs our dollar, and since the dollar was no longer constrained by a “gold standard,” we (meaning our Federal Reserve) could literally have the Treasury Department print money at will. Of course this scenario was highly beneficial to America, but at the same time it created huge problems. First, because we aren’t able to control our spending, an astronomical $8 trillion deficit has resulted. But instead of restraining our carte blanche excess (especially on the War Machine and social programs – remember, George Bush hasn’t vetoed one single spending bill since he took office in 2001), we simply print more money at will to cover our debts.

Of course we’ll analyze this situation more thoroughly in subsequent installments of this article, but the point to remember right now is that the real reason we attacked Iraq wasn’t WMD’s; and Iran’s threat of developing “nuclear capabilities” is likewise propaganda.

The real intent behind all these veils is the dollar’s monopoly on international oil trading, along with the New World Order’s plan to reshape the global economic system. Will our dollar survive, or will it tank in the near future? Or, will America merely be used to do the NWO’s dirty work until our usefulness is completely exhausted; at which point we’ll be discarded like yesterday’s trash?

You sir, are a fool. That is all.


Well-Known Member
You sir, are a fool. That is all.


There may be some statements of his that delve more towards the grand conspiratorial but a lot of what he said is more fact than fiction.

Nixon did remove the dollar from gold for all time in the early 70's and OPEC is required by international and his own law so to speak to only trade their oil on the markets in London or New York and it can only be sold in the global reserve currency, the US dollar. One reason the financial crisis in America has effected the globe is because of the dollar's dominate position. This was accomplished at the close of WW2 via what is known as the Bretton-Woods agreement.

Saddam attempted to circumvent the international embargo as much imposed on him by his OPEC friends as by the US by attempting to start his own oil market and using the Euro as it's trading currency. France and Germany were such roadblocks to GW's Iraq invasion because these guys are still old world imperialist at heart and here was the chance to knock down the economic dominace globally of the Anglo-American empire and maybe return old world Germany and France back into the game. Both France and Germany had placed their bets on the Euro and here is the chance to cash in so to speak. George Soros is a huge currency hedge fund guy and he also had a large stake in the Euro and thus a factor in his opposition to GW's MidEast adventures.

Over the coming years China and India especially will emerge more and more as economic powerhouses and huge engines of consumerism. As such, they will need vast quantities of energy and their are those who have suggested in 30 years these 2 giants will consume 6 to 8 times more oil than they do now. Saddam was a madman but it may not turn out in the end his madness was exactly like we were told and as a side note, ain't it interesing that in all the events over the last 7 years we've not heard a peep of objection from the Saudi Royal House concerning the fall of Saddam? They wanted him dead too. And that in itself is an interesting story going back to 1990' and the conversation of Bush 1 April Gillespie with Saddam Hussien about his thoughts concerns Kuwait.

As for the dollar and the removal of Gold, the Street website had an interesting article about Mr. Greenspan and his ideas on the dollar and it's relationship with gold backing. Greenspan is an interesting character having been a close friend and student if you will of Ayn Rand and the Objectionist movement. Reagan in 76' talked of returning to gold backing of the dollar and even killing the Federal Reserve and in 1980' he still spoke of returning to gold. When he named Greenspan, we thought we were on the way to Nirvana only to learn that "the Machine" is more powerful than we thought.

Saddam did the exact same thing in 2000' and what happened?

Meaningless? Coincidence?

Maybe or Maybe not!

Have a good one and just by chance you want to tell me that I'm a fool too, no need, I've completely established that fact all on my own so you can save the keystrokes!


Well-Known Member
You sir, are a fool. That is all.

Relax, Brett...Its a cut and paste job. The article has some validity and merit. Why don't you just break it down and put your O'reily facter Spin on it:peaceful:

upsgrunt said:
Of course you would do much better at the job of being president, wouldn't you? All you Bush haters want to do is condemn the man, when I'm pretty sure he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with. If you think about it, the president surely isn't overpaid at $400k a year. Do I support Bush only because I'm a Republican? NO--I support him because he is OUR president. I wasn't real fond of everything Clinton did, but you know what, I supported him in office to because of the same reason. That and he was one of the few, if not the only one, to reduce the deficit and balance the budget while in office.
Presidents are mere mortals, and they certainly deserve our support for their efforts, even when they make mistakes, or you don't agree with everything they do. Would you want your wife, kids, or parents to bash you when you make a mistake and never forgive you?
You are free to run for office if you think you could do better.

Grunt, your loyalty is true red,white and blue. However, sounds like a Military or Government personal point of view. As a citizen IMO we have to expand those views. Our President is supposed to work for the masses, like you and I,the grunts, not mainly for the corperation, the wealthy, the Washington Lobbiest. Not for retaining re-election and control of the Executive Branch, create loopholes and straying from the constitution, not engage in unpopular wars, spend and borrow aimlessly creating massive deficits. Those are just a few defficientcies this Administration displays. Are we supposed to sit back and twiddle our thumbs and blindly allow our elected Gov't officals and Leaders act in the interest of themselves,hired lobbyist, and to Corperate Mongers who ignore the will of "The People"(grunts) who voted for them to get to where they are. If they are working and demonstrating their ability to govern as the promised the crowds who got them in office, then yes, of course we should support them. However when they stray from the roost and make deals with the foxes, we are doomed and should stand on the soapboxes and scream out the window sills that "Were mad as Hell, and were not gonna take it anymore"!!!:peaceful:
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Bush ruined America.

You are so stuck up Bush's butt you cannot see he is pulling the wool over your eyes and shoving it right up our a**es. I would rather be a supervisor than be president. As for me living in America I can say this without repurcussion that you sir are a biger fool. You need to learn that people are entitled to an opinion no matter how much YOU may feel it is stupid or doesn't make sense (to you). Have a wonderful day Mr. Brett...I'm sure I will be hearing from you..


You are so stuck up Bush's butt you cannot see he is pulling the wool over your eyes and shoving it right up our a**es. I would rather be a supervisor than be president. As for me living in America I can say this without repurcussion that you sir are a biger fool. You need to learn that people are entitled to an opinion no matter how much YOU may feel it is stupid or doesn't make sense (to you). Have a wonderful day Mr. Brett...I'm sure I will be hearing from you..

Feel free to join the site and have an opinion rather then hiding in the shadows of Anon land. When you offer your opinions expect that others will also offer theirs. You have no more rights to an opinion then others do theirs.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
No guts to register?? Why register?? What's the point?? It's not going to make a difference if I do or not. If I register can you find me and beat me up or something??
We usually track you down by Sunday when we have nothing better to do, (when you are unregistered) and A couple of us hold you down and the rest stone you. We only beat you verbally when you register. Until then all beatings are physical, and violent in nature. :happy2:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I am not a huge Bush fan. When I hear that his approval rating is as low as it is it doesn't surprise me. On the other's not like the Democratic Majority Congress is doing a bang up job in that department either. Their approval ratings are at an all time low. Even lower than Bush's. There is something to ponder. Also, when compared to the two Democratic presidential candidates and what they are saying they'll bring to the table if elected I'd have to say that Bush doesn't look all that bad.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to interrupt the discussion on BUSH, BUTTS, & RECTUMS (I'm dying for pictures :happy-very: ) but back to my point about Euro's for Oil.

No fan of Chavez myself but appears to me that we never uttered much of a peep about him until he started doing stuff like this 2006' piece talks about! Again I ask, Meaningless? Coincidence?

Although a few months old, seems the pressure is building more and more but our old friends the Saudi's have got our back. Ironic, the very nation that supplied the vast majority of 9/11 attackers is the very defender of our economic global dominance. Again I ask........?

It's obvious to me the extreme confidence and trust we've placed in the political & economic leadership given us by both political parties is well deserved and that more of the same is sure to come. I know I can count on each of you here come election day to do your part in seeing this will remain the stated national course no matter who in the end you elect!


Did we ever think for one moment that Saddam and Bin Laden are having the last laugh afterall?


Well-Known Member
Is it safe to say we can all agree that ALL POLITICIANS ARE FULL OF CRAP, no matter what party they represent??

I'll 2nd that motion! Politicians these days IMHO lack any real principles and as such this is why they seem to change positions all the time on various subjects. Once the camera rolls, they completely forget their past and when caught in the act, it's the old standard, "I misspoke!" The good Rev. Wright has provided the real fireworks this election season and of course everyone is focused on his "GD America", "Chickens come home to roost", "gov't created AIDS" etc. etc. but the one at least to my surprise that is going unnoticed or at least it seems to me is when the good Rev. was asked about Obama's recent disclaimer of him, Rev. Wright said (paraphrased a bit) "I'm a preacher, he's a politician. I say what I have to say and "He sez what HE HAS TO SAY!

That is the core mark IMO of a true unprincipled political animal and it also IMO sez volumes of how he was able to give some (socalled) great antiwar speeches before his election to the Senate and then once elected vote for every monetary authorization that comes down the pike for war. I'll say more on this in the Obama Preacher thread later but the point is we have people running for office on the major party tickets that have ZERO principles and will say and do whatever it takes to get elected and this election is proving it more and more.

It's ashame people don't vote like they shop. I mean if you go into a store and maybe they carry 25% of the stuff you want and that's all they'll every carry, you find and go to another store. What happens when a retailer or some service provider constantly tells you one thing and then 80% of the time never comes through on what they say they will, do you continue to do business with that person or company? Who would ship with UPS if we could only delivery 20% of our total packages?

As for shopping at that other store, maybe the prices are a bit higher, not as trendy or great curb appeal, don't have all the eye candy or the great music and atomsphere that is all really smoke and mirrors but everything you need or at least 80% or more is under one roof so what do you do? You shop there and become a loyal customer because you are getting exactly what you want and pay for.

We'll do that for shoes, pants, BBQ sauce, milk, eggs, bread, salad dressing, motor oil, cars, TV's and the list goes on but when it comes to voting for leaders who effect in many ways the very life we live and the means to buy that BBQ sauce, we'll continue to go to the 25% store and wonder over and over again why our societal world so :censored2: UP!


Well-Known Member
You are so stuck up Bush's butt you cannot see he is pulling the wool over your eyes and shoving it right up our a**es. I would rather be a supervisor than be president. As for me living in America I can say this without repurcussion that you sir are a biger fool. You need to learn that people are entitled to an opinion no matter how much YOU may feel it is stupid or doesn't make sense (to you). Have a wonderful day Mr. Brett...I'm sure I will be hearing from you..

Maybe when you can spell the words I have highlighted correctly I will change my mind about you. Until then I stand by my original statement. Have a nice day! :)


Let me end the suspense on this thread...

The post that was made by anonomous, while quite good and on the money...

Was taken from here:

The mesaage is the same, and the facts are the facts...

Indeed, a bigger picture of the true nature of going to war. If the goverment had come to americans with a proposal of war to prevent the conversion to euros, most americans would shoot that down.

911 sparked alot of cry for revenge, and it was easy to get americans to back an attack on any country we wanted in the middle east...

That was the easy part....winning the war we started, well, thats the current problem.

There was no plan for that.


Thus, WMD's, nuclear capability in minutes, saryn gas shot to israel,al qaeda and the rest of the nonsense became the call of the day.


Bush ruined America

No guts to register?? Why register?? What's the point?? It's not going to make a difference if I do or not. If I register can you find me and beat me up or something??
I love George Bush, he is the greatest President of all time! I wish that I could vote for him in this election instead of those idiot Democrats.
This is another reason that you should register. Anybody can use the same guest name.