ups pilots talks


Well-Known Member
If I keep posting at these heavy volumes I might reach upstate and more luck status by 2032....

Well, you should have no problem catching me as I will stop posting on 7/1/18, if not sooner.

Moreluck will most likely die while sitting at her computer posting one of her plagiarized one liners.


Legio patria nostra
Well, you should have no problem catching me as I will stop posting on 7/1/18, if not sooner.

Moreluck will most likely die while sitting at her computer posting one of her plagiarized one liners.

Here's the problem with this guy. He jumps in on a thread that is so far removed from his PC empire and then, out of the blue, mentions and then insults another member that has not even posted on this thread.

Either this guy is having phone sex with Moreluck (sorry Moreluck), got shut down and is bitter, or he is just a juvenile ass that is compelled to call out others on their "Quantity over quality" and "you bring nothing to the conversation" statements when he is no better; and in fact worse from a mean and hateful way, than most on BC.

Why don't stupid people know they're stupid?