UPS Stance on Marijuana


Browncafe Steward
I dont care for drugs myself anymore. Nothing a beer and a shot of Jameson's cant fix. I will say that I also believe what someone does on their own time outside of work should be left up to them. The problem with smoking pot is, it stays in your system for such a long time. You can do a line of blow and be clean in a few days, but smoke a joint and its in yours system up to 45 days.

So if you get tested it will show its in your system and to be totally honest your not even high at the time of testing. There is no test that shows someone is high at the time of the testing. I know people that smoke themselves silly after work and show up on time everyday and do great jobs. They are risking alot, IMO by doing so. This ob is a good paying job and not worth losing over a little pot.


Well-Known Member
If you use a vaporizer, there are no side effects to the air pathways.

Which is more harmful, alcohol or pot? How many children are killed by potheads driving 15 miles an hour on their way to the munchie store?

I agree with you and feel strongly about this issue. If marijuana is illegal then alcohol should be 10 times more illegal because I truly believe its that much more dangerous.

Just think of the countless live affected by alcohol. First, there is the deaths in car accident. Then you have the domestic abuse fueled by alcohol and college woman being rapped by her peers. Never mind the stomach and liver problems associated with it.

How can seriously say weed is a more harmful drug than alcohol? Alcohol makes you legless, slurs the speech and blacks your memory to name a few effects. That is serious stuff. Weed does nothing even close to that. It makes you laugh and stimulates the appetite. No hangovers or ill effects the next day.


bella amicizia
I agree wholeheartedly!! Across the Lake(Ontario) from my is one of the largest medical marijuana farms in Canada. Every country that has advanced thinking in their government has legalized it and benefits from it's attributes. We hate the Muslim countries, yet embrace their thinking when it comes to pot. If people would get their head out of the ***, we wouldn't be in the disastrous shape we are in. Think about the income pot would bring in?

Hemp. Hemp oil, hemp rope, hemp clothing, and on and on and on.
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