I posted this yesterday in another thread, but it fits here as well. These are the instruction I got from the UPS Enterprise Portal Help Desk when I wanted to know how to sign up.
1. Enter your User ID in the User ID field.
* If you work for Overnite, a UPS Company, your User ID is "ov000"
(without the quotes) followed by your six-digit Overnite ID number.
Example: If your ID number is 123456, your User ID is ov000123456. The
letters "ov" are not case sensitive and may be entered in either upper or
lower case.
* If you are an employee of Motor Cargo your User ID will be seven
digits. It begins with "mc" (without the quotes) followed by your five-
digit Motor Cargo ID number or "mc0" (without the quotes) followed by your
four-digit Motor Cargo ID. Example: If your Motor Cargo ID is 12345, your
User ID is mc12345. If your Motor Cargo ID is 9876, your User ID is
mc09876. The letters "mc" are not case sensitive and may be entered
either upper or lower case.
* For all other employees, your User ID is also known as your Employee ID.
This is the 7-digit number located on your pay check or pay stub.
* If you are unsure of your User ID, please contact your Human Resources
2. Enter your PIN or Password in the Password field.
- Your PIN/Password, which is case sensitive, is derived as follows:
> The first two letters of your last name (lower case)
> The last two numbers of your birth year
> The last two numbers of your User ID
Example: If your last name is Jones, you were born in 1959, and your User
ID is 0112233, your PIN would be jo5933.
- Note: If you changed your last name on or after 11/24/03 and did not
register for the Enterprise Portal before your name change, you will need
to construct your PIN using your last name before your name change.
3. Click the [Log In] button.
4. Accept the Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not accept the Terms
and Conditions of Use, you will not be given access to the Enterprise
5. Enter your preferred E-mail address. If you have a UPS e-mail address,
check the 'Please select this box if you have a UPS e-mail address' box.
6. Click [Submit].
7. If you checked that you have a UPS e-mail address on the Preferred E-
mail Address screen, the UPS E-mail ID screen appears. Enter your UPS E-
mail ID and E-mail password, and then click [Submit].
8. An E-mail Address confirmation screen appears. Click [Continue].
9. At the Security Administration System screen, enter your User ID in the
User ID field and your PIN in the Password field, then click the [arrow]
10. Create your Challenge Questions and Responses, and then click
[Submit]. A confirmation screen will appear indicating the process was
successful. Click [Continue].
Note: If you previously registered in the Employee Portal, the Challenge
Questions and Responses, will still be active and this screen will not
appear. If you want to change your Challenge Questions and Responses you
need to go to 'Edit My Profile' after you logged in to the Enterprise
On the next screen, create a password, re-enter the password for accuracy,
and click the [Submit] button. A confirmation screen will appear
indicating the process was successful. Click the [Continue] button. An e-
mail will be sent to your preferred e-mail address, confirming your
password was changed.