US solider freed from captivity in Afghanistan


Staff member
I don't know what the problem is. From Guantanamo to Qatar and anywhere beyond, US and international intelligence is going to follow any move. If I were Afghani Taliban, I wouldn't want anything to do with any of these five. Anything looking even remotely nefarious is an instant death sentence.


golden ticket member
Yep, it's the weekend!


Happy Place
Actually, this is what life is like for the sad, lonely people who correct everyone on the Internet.


golden ticket member
The discussion about trading for Bowe Bergdahl has been ongoing for some time. This of course is questionable, since the U.S. has always held the position that it will not negotiate with terrorists or trade terrorists for hostages. This the Obama regime has clearly broken , the impact of which will yet be felt, as he has now painted a target on the back of every American.

Yet in any discussion of the question, the Obama regime has assured Congress that it would be advised.

Note this in August 2012 in an NBC article on Bowe Bergdahl:

U.S. officials stress that the transfer, if it occurs, will be done in accordance with U.S. law, which requires Congress to be notified before any detainees are moved from Guantanamo.

But , there was no notice given to Congress as required by law:


All Trash No Trailer
The message received by terrorists is.......... it's OK to kidnap Americans!!

(Oh, by the way you are using my Benghazi logic....if the ambassador was Chelsea, Hillary would've behaved differently)
Nice work, grasshopper!

do try and keep up!


golden ticket member
:rofl:so the pres. got some sort of special privilege dispensation secret proceed with caution exemption for Barrack's eyes only and the Alfafa claim that "I do what I wanna do, say what I wanna say, I don't care...."


Staff member
Just an fyi, Bowe Bergdahl's father was a UPS driver at the time of his capture, I'm not sure if still works here though.


All Trash No Trailer
I am MORE than a little amused over the shrill bleatings from the Republicans about "Negotiating with terrorists' as had this soldier died and it came to light that thru negotiations he could have been saved The Righteous Indignation from the Republicans would be on Faux News 24/7,calling for President Obama's head.


nowhere special
His dad is making the rounds on the TV shows but still hasn't talked to his son. There are a lot of strange details like his dad calling for all inmates at Gitmo be released (just before his son was released) and he grew that beard and learned Pashti while his son was a captive. It is sounding more like it was a deserter who sympathized with the Taliban as more reports are coming out. Other soldiers who were in his unit had to sign a confidentiality agreement about not talking so its difficult to know exactly what happened though.


golden ticket member
I'm glad you have no doubts - but........

A soldier who served in the same battalion in Afghanistan as released prisoner of war Bowe Bergdahl wrote in the Daily Beast Monday it is time to speak the truth: “Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down.”

Nathan Bradley Bethea said he participated in the attempts to rescue Bergdahl throughout the summer of 2009. Bethea wrote every member of his brigade combat team got an order stating they weren’t allowed to discuss what happened to Bergdahl for fear of endangering him.

Bethea wasn’t the only soldier who served with Bergdahl to speak out after his release. Others including did so, including his former squad leader who called for an investigation “as soon as healthcare professionals deem him fit to endure one.”
The release of Bergdahl has stoked controversy since he was swapped for five Taliban prisoners.

Here’s more from Bethea’s piece:
I believe that Bergdahl also deserves sympathy, but he has much to answer for, some of which is far more damning than simply having walked off. Many have suffered because of his actions: his fellow soldiers, their families, his family, the Afghan military, the unaffiliated Afghan civilians in Paktika, and none of this suffering was inevitable. None of it had to happen. Therefore, while I’m pleased that he’s safe, I believe there is an explanation due.
– Robert Schroeder

There's also stuff from CNN (not FOX) about his being a deserter.

I think they have him in medical exam to desperately find something wrong with him.....remember he was freed for health reasons ,supposedly.


The whole thing stinks.
Would you say that if that was your son? Real easy to make a statement like this when its not your son or daughter. Did you ever think there may have been other reasons as to why they wanted to bring him back?
Maybe he has valuable information that he can provide.


golden ticket member
I'm also sure those 5 released detainees will be followed closely by the US, like the guns were followed in Mexico.