wages for management?


I other night my brother-in-law was asking about work and asked about our center management (we had had problems with a bad manager a year ago). Anyway I told him we have a good guy in charge now but then he asks how much do center managers and above make? So does anyone know?


Staff member
Just remember that the center manager job is being phased out. Most of their decision making responsibilities are gone.
Soon, the daily email from IE will go directly to the preload sup, and we won't need a center manager at all.


Well-Known Member
Around $5200- $6800/month. They also get a stock award (3.2 times their monthly pay this year) and an extra half month pay in December. Most have 2-5 supervisors (ditto for the same amount of OMS people) and anywhere from 30-80 drivers assigned to them. In the Hub that would be 4-10 friend/T supervisors, 20-85 P/T supervisors and anywhere from 140 to 400 part time employees depending on how big their facility is.


Around $5200- $6800/month. They also get a stock award (3.2 times their monthly pay this year) and an extra half month pay in December. Most have 2-5 supervisors (ditto for the same amount of OMS people) and anywhere from 30-80 drivers assigned to them. In the Hub that would be 4-10 friend/T supervisors, 20-85 P/T supervisors and anywhere from 140 to 400 part time employees depending on how big their facility is.

That is actually very close to being correct depending on how long a Manager has been a Manager. People think UPS mgmt make good money, I say they are out of their mind. So do the math, 60hrs a week x 4 weeks a month = 240 hrs. $6000 / 240 = $25 an hr.

I hope that UPS managers are not the highest paid in the industry. If that is true we work in a sad industry.

By the way what wage rates do drivers top out at??


Well-Known Member
That is actually very close to being correct depending on how long a Manager has been a Manager. People think UPS mgmt make good money, I say they are out of their mind. So do the math, 60hrs a week x 4 weeks a month = 240 hrs. $6000 / 240 = $25 an hr.

I hope that UPS managers are not the highest paid in the industry. If that is true we work in a sad industry.

By the way what wage rates do drivers top out at??

$81,600 plus bonuses? not too shabby there
Can we agree they get alot of perks too?


Well-Known Member
Management salaries differ around the country due to the cost of living. A manager in Alabama wouldn't make what a manager in New York does.

Salaries depend on a few factors. How long has the management person been a sup, how much does he/she currently make, how much supervision do they need, and level of education.


Senior Member
Just remember that the center manager job is being phased out. Most of their decision making responsibilities are gone.
Soon, the daily email from IE will go directly to the preload sup, and we won't need a center manager at all.
You are correct.
Micro-management will only cut deeper into mangement positions, due to technology.
I think it is the wrong approach, but that is the way it is going


I have heard from too much to not enough to millions to 81,600 plus stock, I guess nobody really knows? IE sup ask "what drivers top out at" I made the 80k club last year for the first time I'm not sure if thats good or bad ! All I know that this job is only a means to an end, by that meaning that I am only at UPS to support my family and live life and the job is only as bad as you let your attitude allow it to be. And hopefully I can have more good days than bad. In my years at UPS I have had alot of bad but somehow the good have kept me employed for 19 years.