Weekend work


Well-Known Member
They are forcing cover drivers to preload and drive?

At my building, yes. Driver ahead of me does preload then route occasionally or route then unload. He prefers preload then route if needed so he can be done at 5:30pm.

I’m constantly doing route then unloading till I cap at 13.75hrs including my 30 min lunch and 10min break on route. Last week I was at 36hrs worked by end of Wednesday.

Days I don’t drive I’m fed a line of mandatory local sort (unloading) from 5:30pm till I leave at 10:30pm, then like clockwork they call or text at 2:20-3am trying to get me to come in to help preload.

And they try to then force driving/shuttling after preload and I argue DOT rules of 14hrs work including breaks then requires 10hr rest period. Starting at 1730 day before DQs me from driving for 10hrs after 730 next morning.

They act like we’re on-call 20hrs a day (3am-11pm) and like we can just switch sleeping schedule.
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Got the T-Shirt
Sunday service without the proposed 22.4s would require a new, third work schedule, most likely Sun-Thurs.


In the Central Region, we have had Tuesday-Saturday language since 1973.

We have had Sunday-Thursday language since 1993.

The writing on the wall.... was long ago.



Well-Known Member
This is not an attempt to get a yes vote or argue about present language. So, the question is how does UPS cover weekend work since no one presently wants to work them? A chance to fix a huge point of contention with many.
Hire more drivers. Not second class citizens. Level playing field.