what happens if we do go on strike?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I can't help but wonder if the company would go all out to replace us as a long term goal? Hire a slew of personnel to train, train them, then start with replacement workers? Get restraining orders to hold back strikers. Feed the media that 100K plus drivers are greedy mantra, etc. Lap dog media would eat it up.

With the economy as bad as it is, there would be no shortage of new hires. One township in my area had one opening on the fire department, they got some 5000 applicants for that job! Many had advanced college degrees! Technology has made the job easier to learn. Maybe, I'm way off base, but I don't know.


Well-Known Member
The company would lock us out and very well could hire replacement workers; however, as soon as the strike ends, the replacements would be let go. It is illegal to fire us for participating in a sanctioned work stoppage.


Well-Known Member
The company would lock us out and very well could hire replacement workers; however, as soon as the strike ends, the replacements would be let go. It is illegal to fire us for participating in a sanctioned work stoppage.
Correct! But that would mean the temporary hired people would have to make it across the picket line. In 97 we had 3 traitors and 12 scabs work. The others were all PT and FT sups. All 12 scabs were let go even though promised jobs after ratification. The 3 traitors quit within 12 days.


Nine Lives
The company would lock us out and very well could hire replacement workers; however, as soon as the strike ends, the replacements would be let go. It is illegal to fire us for participating in a sanctioned work stoppage.

It could be that if UPS hired replacement workers, UPS would never agree to a contract.


Well-Known Member
It could be that if UPS hired replacement workers, UPS would never agree to a contract.

Well for one thing they would need to hire to many as a lot of shippesr will be jumping ship long before Aug 1 if a contract is sign before then....

There will be not strike the Union and UPS have too much to loose. Time is on the union side as shippers will be putting more pressure on UPS the closer it gets to AUG 1.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The company would lock us out and very well could hire replacement workers; however, as soon as the strike ends, the replacements would be let go. It is illegal to fire us for participating in a sanctioned work stoppage.

Yep my buddies uncle was on strike for a year and a half with Honeywell.

They had replaced everyone.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
It could be that if UPS hired replacement workers, UPS would never agree to a contract.

Well for one thing they would need to hire to many as a lot of shippesr will be jumping ship long before Aug 1 if a contract is sign before then....

There will be not strike the Union and UPS have too much to loose. Time is on the union side as shippers will be putting more pressure on UPS the closer it gets to AUG 1.

This is what I don't understand about people who think ups would like to just get rid of us and start over.

Is the risk worth the reward? I just don't see how it could be. We make a billion a quarter right now as is. Could they make more with a different model. Sure they could. They could also make a lot less.


what a depressing and negative thread. replacement works, crossing the picket line. WTF IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dean Wormer...........DEAD!!!

who's with me???


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
what a depressing and negative thread. replacement works, crossing the picket line. WTF IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some folks here talk about strike like it is a win-win. I think we should look at all sides. Complete scenario analysis, if you will. Things sure are different now than 1997. There are a ton of people who would jump at the chance for a job.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Your right, management does care a rats ass about us, look at how they are currently treating us. I do understand that providing for our families is paramount. We can all prepare for a strike by purchasing a few extra items each week, especially items that can be frozen, and putting some cash aside for a rainy day fund. I have been with the company for some time now and do remember the strike in 97. I too was worried about my bills and picked up some odd jobs during that strike and made it thru ok. Yeah, it does get hot walking the line, but we made the best of it. Unless we are fortunate enough to live in southern CA or in the New England area it is just down right hot all over ( I am in the south) and we as UPSers know it sucks. But we are a different breed. and we can take it. Being outside to me is a break of the heat in a package car.. all we can do is spread the word of the importance of this contract and stand strong as a whole and not budge if we are offered a crappy contract....


Package Handler
When I brought up crossing the picket line earlier I didn't mean to imply that I would do it I just wanted to see what that meant. I know nothing about a strike so I wasn't even sure if it was legal for us to work during it. I'll probably be at the line picketing if it comes to it but honestly I don't really know about our union sometimes. Sometimes I really wonder if they are fully behind us. Paying for healthcare should not even be a topic of discussion anymore in my opinion and if I stand out there in the heat for a week and make 55 dollars and the contract thats agreed upon is not up to our liking it'll seem like a huge waste of time to me. I don't even use the union, I'm an extremely good employee that would never get fired. I make 12 dollars an hour and my union dues are 32.00 a month so in my opinion I'm pretty much paying 32.00 a month for insurance since I dont use the union for anything else. This probably isn't a popular opinion so if youd like to set me straight i'd love to listen.


Well-Known Member
When I brought up crossing the picket line earlier I didn't mean to imply that I would do it I just wanted to see what that meant. I know nothing about a strike so I wasn't even sure if it was legal for us to work during it. I'll probably be at the line picketing if it comes to it but honestly I don't really know about our union sometimes. Sometimes I really wonder if they are fully behind us. Paying for healthcare should not even be a topic of discussion anymore in my opinion and if I stand out there in the heat for a week and make 55 dollars and the contract thats agreed upon is not up to our liking it'll seem like a huge waste of time to me. I don't even use the union, I'm an extremely good employee that would never get fired. I make 12 dollars an hour and my union dues are 32.00 a month so in my opinion I'm pretty much paying 32.00 a month for insurance since I dont use the union for anything else. This probably isn't a popular opinion so if youd like to set me straight i'd love to listen.
You pay 32 a month not just for representation but for negotiation as well. You as of right now have health insurance that you pay nothing for. UPS is the one wanting you to start paying and the union is negotiating to keep that free. Believe me when I say every "good" employee has their day. Yours just has not happened yet.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Well, first off as a part timer you are way under paid for the job you do. Hopefully this contract will give you a pay raise that is well deserved..Years ago, I withdrew from the union due to the fact that after the current contract was ratified, UPS weeks later snuck in some changes to the rules of retirement. Several of my senior coworkers had planned and booked a retirement cruise. They went on their cruise, but were not able to retire.. I am not sure if these changes were nation wide, but, they were in effect here in the central states region. I became very upset that the union would all this, and called DC and voiced my opinion about this, and they really cold not give me a valid reason for what happened.. So, I decided to withdrawal from the union, money talks... I recently rejoined the union, 2 1/2 years ago due to all the problems that were and still are going on as far as harassment, threats and the discipline the company is handing out based on electronic information. Unfortunately when I was called in to my managers office, and was belittled, threatened and harassed for over 2 1/2 hours, and my job threatened because I had a valid and verifiably medical condition, my manager said "I dont care about your personal problems". I had just gone to the doctor on Monday and our meeting was on Thursday. The union did nothing for me at all.. I ended up retaining an Attorney, spending over 5K, for her to deal with this situation with Atlanta... Since then, I apply for family medical leave act every year. Just incase I have an issue with my situation...Each year, I use all my time I am allowed for family medical, it is based on the number of hours worked... Getting back to the union issue, they have a purpose, do I believe they do all they can for us ..NO... they use grievances as negotiate other grievances..they at times fail to represent all equally...I have debated over the past 2 years wether to keep paying my dues for a union that has yet again let me down...they allowed clear blatant discrimination... with that said, right now I feel that continuing to pay my dues to allow me to vote in this ever so important contract is crucial.. so I do understand that these dues are a lot of cash, and we really at times dont get our moneys worth, but as of now I will pay with the hopes of a good contract. Otherwise I am out.....


Well-Known Member
It will be raining leprechauns and Lucky Charms before we go on strike again. As it's been stated before, UPS has too much invested in Hoffa Junior and vice-versa for a strike to happen. UPS just isn't going to let Hoffa out of their back pocket. Which is bad news for us, regarding our contract. No one wants to strike, so expect the javelin to hit us all in the shorts before too long.


You've spoken like a true prodigy. Hoffa Jr., will never have the balls to strike UPS. As I write this comment he's out on the golf course working on his handicap with Scott Davis and the union are covering the tab. Hoffa Jr., and his disciple hall are gutless cowards that will sell us out when this is all set and done!
Guys, which one of you is "the bottom"?


Well-Known Member
I think it was $55 a week in 97. Not sure what it would be now but don't count on it being much.
When strikers stop working, they do not receive their normal paychecks, but they will receive some money from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Strike Fund. Many local unions also maintain their own strike funds to help their workers through difficult times. Local strike benefits are determined by the local. Strike benefits from the International Union are based on the following formula:

If you earn less than $11 per hour, you will receive between $75 and $110 per week. For all other members, strike pay is equivalent to four times your monthly dues amount per week. For example, if your monthly dues payment is $70, you will receive $280 per week (70 x 4 = 280).
So I'm looking at $388.00
Better than $55 in 97.


Nine Lives
When strikers stop working, they do not receive their normal paychecks, but they will receive some money from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Strike Fund. Many local unions also maintain their own strike funds to help their workers through difficult times. Local strike benefits are determined by the local. Strike benefits from the International Union are based on the following formula:

If you earn less than $11 per hour, you will receive between $75 and $110 per week. For all other members, strike pay is equivalent to four times your monthly dues amount per week. For example, if your monthly dues payment is $70, you will receive $280 per week (70 x 4 = 280).
So I'm looking at $388.00
Better than $55 in 97.

Something about this statement stinks...

So in the first week, the Teamsters are prepared to pay their members over $35 million?
And every week thereafter?

I bet the Teamsters management is hoping everyone goes out and gets a job so they don't have to pay this out ... not that they could fund one week anyway.
I wonder how many temp jobs are out there this time compared to 1997?


Well-Known Member
When strikers stop working, they do not receive their normal paychecks, but they will receive some money from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Strike Fund. Many local unions also maintain their own strike funds to help their workers through difficult times. Local strike benefits are determined by the local. Strike benefits from the International Union are based on the following formula:

If you earn less than $11 per hour, you will receive between $75 and $110 per week. For all other members, strike pay is equivalent to four times your monthly dues amount per week. For example, if your monthly dues payment is $70, you will receive $280 per week (70 x 4 = 280).
So I'm looking at $388.00
Better than $55 in 97.
If you think you're going to get 388.00 for strike pay you're dreaming.


Well-Known Member
When strikers stop working, they do not receive their normal paychecks, but they will receive some money from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Strike Fund. Many local unions also maintain their own strike funds to help their workers through difficult times. Local strike benefits are determined by the local. Strike benefits from the International Union are based on the following formula:

If you earn less than $11 per hour, you will receive between $75 and $110 per week. For all other members, strike pay is equivalent to four times your monthly dues amount per week. For example, if your monthly dues payment is $70, you will receive $280 per week (70 x 4 = 280).
So I'm looking at $388.00
Better than $55 in 97.
If you think you're going to get 388.00 for strike pay you're dreaming.
All I did was take it off the IBT website.