What is a shuttle driver?


Retired 23 years
In 1971 I was hired as a shuttle driver. I drove a flat top Ford Econoline about 350 miles every night between Minnesota to North Dakota. Most nights at the begining I would carry maybe 1 or 2 packages over to ND and bring back none. It was a tough job but it had to be done.:happy2: Then being the :censored2: I am it bid off that onto a downtown delivery route:sad-little: I continued to sink into the tolet from there:poop:

Dutch Dawg

Well-Known Member
In 1971 I was hired as a shuttle driver. I drove a flat top Ford Econoline about 350 miles every night between Minnesota to North Dakota. Most nights at the begining I would carry maybe 1 or 2 packages over to ND and bring back none. It was a tough job but it had to be done.:happy2: Then being the :censored2: I am it bid off that onto a downtown delivery route:sad-little: I continued to sink into the tolet from there:poop:

What service would UPS have offered back in 1971 that would have required 'shuttling' so few packages on a regular basis?


Retired 23 years
What service would UPS have offered back in 1971 that would have required 'shuttling' so few packages on a regular basis?
UPS had just started delivery service to both North and South Dakota . The "shuttle run" with a little Ford Econoline would later turn into a feeder route with one of those big trucks that bend in the middle and go ttsssssssss. If I remember right it lasted for at least 3-4 months before there was enough pkgs going either direction to justify using a 24 ft trailer. I made quite a few trips with only me and an occasional hitchhicker. (don't tell anyone):wink2:


Well-Known Member
A shuttle driver picks you up at the Goofy, Mickey or Minnie parking lot at DisneyWorld and shuttles you back and forth to the theme park. Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times and don't forget your kids when exiting the vehicle. After you gain senority as a shuttle driver, then you can look forward towards the monorail driver job. Good Luck


Ground Down
A shuttle driver picks you up at the Goofy, Mickey or Minnie parking lot at DisneyWorld and shuttles you back and forth to the theme park. Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times and don't forget your kids when exiting the vehicle. After you gain senority as a shuttle driver, then you can look forward towards the monorail driver job. Good Luck
best part is the new disney contract pays part timers the same as full timers