What was your experience the first day you went out with a manual?


swollen member
ran out of gas one time, 7 miles from town in an old 500.. put that sucker in 2nd gear and ran the starter, would then shift to 4th.... worked for a bit... haha


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Just like every other driver because that's all we had.

Newbies are so spoiled! Man up and deliver!


Well-Known Member
My older brother tried to teach me how to drive his Ford Econoline van. It had "3 on a tree" and I just could not get the hang of it.

I taught both of my kids how to drive a stick. This came in handy for my daughter when she was the DD at a party and the only car available had a manual transmission.

It has been at least 10 years since I have driven a stick and, truth be told, I don't miss it one bit.

DriverMD is absolutely right.

My Dad made me learn to drive and take my drivers test on a manual. His logic was simple.
In an emergency situation, now I could drive anything if I had too.


My older brother tried to teach me how to drive his Ford Econoline van. It had "3 on a tree" and I just could not get the hang of it.

You have to be patient with a column shifter, especially if there is a lot of wear in the linkage. Just wait for it to drop in; daily driver for over 20 years was a 65 Chevy pickup. (wooden slats in the short bed)


Retired 23 years
I had a 54 Chevy straight stick that I put a floor shifter in. I screwed up the linkage so it ended up having a reverse H pattern. First was where reverse was suppose to be and visa/versa. Same with 2nd and third. I was the only one who mastered driving that thing smoothly. I got in a little trouble one night and the cops were going to drive my car to the station. While sitting in the cop car all of a sudden over the radio comes "ask that kid how this friend-ing thing shifts".


Well-Known Member
I remember the Package Driver Initiation meeting. The first thing the HR person said "if you can't drive a manual, we can't use you as a driver....come to the driver helper meeting next week"

Two guys got up and left!

On my way home I called my wife and told her in disbelief that these two guys only drove automatics. My wife replied "I can't drive a manual either"

I guess I assumed that everyone who drove knew how to drive knew how to handle a stick! Silly me!


nowhere special
You have to be patient with a column shifter, especially if there is a lot of wear in the linkage. Just wait for it to drop in; daily driver for over 20 years was a 65 Chevy pickup. (wooden slats in the short bed)

My biggest problem was shifting into 2nd on the column. You couldn't get a good feel for the linkage in the car I was driving (a 72 Maverick).

livin the dream

Well-Known Member
my first time out in a stick I had a sup that was riding with someone behind me. I think I stalled two or three times just getting to the main road lol


I feel more like an idiot reaching with my right hand for a stick that isn't there.
& I feel most like an idiot when I forget to put an automatic into park when on a slight incline. Can you say rollaway, even if you put the E brake on, since the mechanic sets them loose as a goose.? I've had a couple of close calls.


Well-Known Member
Dying skill. All the old school cars I buy for myself are stick. All the best are. Have to get or share with wife, auto. I don't know any kids under 20 that know how to drive a manual trans anymore. Very sad actually, it was a right of passage when I grew up. My dad taught me how to drive a manual trans when I was 8 or 9. Used to be a man when you could drive one.


Strength through joy
First time I had to drive as an air driver was during a snow storm in 1986 .
I was to meet drivers with late airs .
I was told to get in the vehicle ( P 800 ) & go .
I wish someone had put some fuel in it , ran out on the way back .
When the shop guy got to me , we found out that it was a red tagged car .


Amatuer Malthusian
& I feel most like an idiot when I forget to put an automatic into park when on a slight incline. Can you say rollaway, even if you put the E brake on, since the mechanic sets them loose as a goose.? I've had a couple of close calls.
I usually find myself cranking them up tight so they work. Driver usually has them all backed off because they feel it's too much work to pull with a meaningful amount of tension. You do know how to adjust the handle yourself, right?
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