Where is this company headed?????


Well-Known Member

You want reasonable work hours for the drivers and I want the most efficient, cost effective delivery operation possible. I think both of our positions are fair.

I don't think we really disagree on this point, we "may" only disagree on the best way to get there.

Today, too many operations try to get reduced cost the lazy way. Just by putting more work on each driver. You are complaining about that, and I don't think its efficient.

Rather than just reducing everyone's workload to avoid the grievances on over 9.5's, I have a different approach. Let see if we can agree on this.

I would do the following, and probably in this order:

1) Work with the preload to eliminate missorts. Every package put in the correct car and correct position as per the PAL label. I would work with them on proper methods as well (lip loading, facing labels, handling, dropping packages to the floor, etc.) With this step, miles and time should be reduced looking for packages and running missorts. It should also free up the supervisors time for the following steps.

2) Work on data management. After step 1, there will be some packages that get "flipped" to the wrong address. This is mostly due to improper data management by the dispatcher and data acquisition group. I would contact corporate for help. This is best done after fixing missorts because now you know what is a flip and what is a missort.

3) Fix the trace. This will probably take 1 day per driver to complete (probably in two passes of 1/2 day each. The dispatch supervisor has good tools for this if they are properly taught how to use them. This should save miles and time on road and keep the drivers from having to resort their car (another time saver)

4) Reevaluate the dispatch and look for pocket dispatching and driver overlaps. These dispatch problems cause extra miles on road.

After dong these four things I have reduced unproductive work and should accomplish both of our goals.

By the way, this is what the supervisor is supposed to do in the first place.


P Man,
PLEASE come run my building!!!!