White people are the worse mass murders and seri...

El Correcto

god is dead
What makes Bundy more notorious isn’t his kill count. It’s his victims. Bundy wasn’t out there just murdering prostitutes and societies “trash” high risk victims doing high risk activities.
Bundy was different because his victim of choice was low risk victims. He was targeting bourgeois middle class college girls, usually who had a resemblance to an ex girlfriend who broke his little psycho heart. These girls were noticed when they got killed. Bundy also escaped from prison, twice.
Out of killers who went after low risk victims I believe Bundy stacked the most bodies.


What makes Bundy more notorious isn’t his kill count. It’s his victims. Bundy wasn’t out there just murdering prostitutes and societies “trash” high risk victims doing high risk activities.
Bundy was different because his victim of choice was low risk victims. He was targeting bourgeois middle class college girls, usually who had a resemblance to an ex girlfriend who broke his little psycho heart. These girls were noticed when they got killed. Bundy also escaped from prison, twice.
Out of killers who went after low risk victims I believe Bundy stacked the most bodies.
Sounds like you have an unhealthy obsession with serial killers.

El Correcto

god is dead
Well for one we have way too many tools at our disposal now to catch these people. No one will ever touch these numbers again.
I do agree with you for the most part. I just wouldn’t say ever. Learning about a lot of these guys you see most of them were stupid and lucky throughout their murder spree. BTK was seen as one of the more notorious and mysterious killers, you learn about the guy and how he got caught, you realize he was just some stupid :censored2:.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I do agree with you for the most part. I just wouldn’t say ever. Learning about a lot of these guys you see most of them were stupid and lucky throughout their murder spree. BTK was seen as one of the more notorious and mysterious killers, you learn about the guy and how he got caught, you realize he was just some stupid :censored2:.
In the USA.

If anyone could approach this number I feel they’d have to be an off the grid individual. An Amish or an illegal that the authorities have no record of.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Jethro not on the list? That boy could kill a box in one sitting.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I’m surprised they are giving this guy coverage at all. Society needs to stop giving them these high score awards.
They’re probably giving him so much coverage to try to help other jurisdictions close cold cases. The easiest way to spread word of this guy is through the media.