why are there so many manufactured problems?


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
he said those who'd show faith in him would have to do just that, in essence. He was put to death basically because his opposers "didn't want to do what he did", which wasn't to be perfect, but to not be stubborn and humbly follow directions. It's ironic that following his advice to 'pick up one's torturing stake' in imitation of him is the path that will ultimately make one's work life better.
ahhhhh ok !!


Out For Delivery
1. No matter how well you do your job, it will never quite be good enough.

2. Any action you take to keep your name from appearing on one of their reports will automatically cause it to show up on a different one.

3. You generate revenue, and without your labor the packages dont get delivered. They generate audits and reports, and without their labor the ink cartridges in the printer just last a little longer.

They have created an environment of "Institutional Discontentment" and they successfully use it to manipulate us.
Hi. I'm a late night truck loader, and no matter how well a job I do I get stupid complaints. One week I got audited, and had 100% load quality, and the next week they complained about my load quality. I haven't had a misload in months, and now they complain that I don't load to the ceiling of the truck. I keep up my flow of packages, and rarely need help. Today they showed me a random picture of a bad package wall and said I did it. All I could really say in ambiguous language is that I don't care what you think. The thing that bugged me was I felt they did not understand.
Management complaining=their job security