Widespread looting breaks out in Minneapolis

Netsua 3:16

Unless we accept your version of things, which is we're racist, then we're the problem. Most people just want to live their lives in peace, be left alone, and want the same for everyone else. No matter what we do to try and make things better, equal for everyone, we're told because evil was practiced by people with the same skin color hundreds of years ago, or decades ago, we're all culpable if we have that skin color. That others with skin pigmentation are not responsible for what they do, that it always leads back to those without pigmentation. That we are inherently evil, and we must pay, and beg forgiveness. Your side has over reached, and there's starting to be a backlash. But then we're racist, so what did you expect?
You don’t want to be racist?
Then don’t be racist. It’s extremely simple. Just shut up and listen. Stop trying to assert your white correctness. Just shut up, take a step back, and listen. Observe what’s going on.
There’s riots for BLM, there’s Q riots, there’s covid riot, everybody is a bunch of :censored2:s to each other

And y’all in here going “damn blackies, see what happens???” What good are you doing sitting on your soapbox condemning these actions?
Further pushing the divide between white and black. Good for you guys!!!!! Way to rise above!!!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Only a handful of crimes reasonably require cops to shoot people. Maybe this one did
Guess the folks who are already looting and rioting either don’t agree that the shooting could have been justified or don’t care one way or the other.

Netsua 3:16

Of course I think the Burn Loot Murder crowd is wrong, I'm asking what YOU think is wrong kiddo.


Strength through joy
Cpd killed a 13 year old boy the body cam footage gets released soon. So its going to get bad again. Looting isn't the answer. But cops got to stop killing citizens. Its a case by case. Im a right wing Republican and i believe George floyd was murdered. No reason to kneel on his neck especially if hes on cuffs. Charge anyone let the jury decide thats America
People on drugs are capable of doing great physical damages to others.
I saw one small guy fight off 8 cops once, they actually had to gang pile on top of him to bring him under control.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Only a handful of crimes reasonably require cops to shoot people. Maybe this one did, in which case I take back my comment. But we don't know yet and it sounds pretty unlikely.
I nominate arson and looting as justification to shoot people.

That can only be considered a racist comment if only one race is affected.

Is it?

Thanks for justifying the stereotype.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Oh well. Until Minnesota residents grow some balls and defend their city and shoot these mother:censored2:ers dead when they try to burn their property down I won't feel bad for them. Just cry on the news after you lose everything. That'll fix it. "Won't somebody not me do something?" Lol.


Well-Known Member
You don’t want to be racist?
Then don’t be racist. It’s extremely simple. Just shut up and listen. Stop trying to assert your white correctness. Just shut up, take a step back, and listen. Observe what’s going on.
There’s riots for BLM, there’s Q riots, there’s covid riot, everybody is a bunch of *s to each other

And y’all in here going “damn blackies, see what happens???” What good are you doing sitting on your soapbox condemning these actions?
Further pushing the divide between white and black. Good for you guys!!!!! Way to rise above!!!
Any criticism of blacks by a white will be met with charges of racism by people like you. It's your mindset. And you think you're being righteous by doing so. So this is a never-ending circle that we'll have to endure. Just remember though if the backlash gets severe you and your cohorts have yourselves to blame.