"The supervisors are held accountable for their workgroups. When they are performing unit barganing work, they are still required to keep up with the daily/weekly/monthly tasks that their division mgr. is demanding. It is either a human resource problem, "
Staffing has been an issue in the building I worked at for the entire time I was there.
I can say that as much as I thought I was going to have to bust my a.. the last week, staffing FINALLY was up to par, and I told the new p/t sup. to enjoy it while it lasts.
1 girl that worked a week, had already came to me about quitting, 2 loaders were heading out to drive, and 2of my 3 best unloaders were going to the loading area, since I was leaving.
Xracer, you would have hated me, but made plenty of money off me. I was one of those, but felt getting the job done on time, helped everybody.
Didn't think it was fair for the drivers, who were going to be asked to get the airs out on time no matter what, had to listen to any b.s.
or it wasn't fair to ask the good workers to do a 'little more' to carry the sorry
, or wasn't fair to me/other p/t sups to listen to my friend/t and manager 'hey, whats going on?' all because hr sends inferior workers, OR MORE LIKELY, the p/t sup in charge, me, couldn't train them properly.
But I can say that the friend/t union steward knew I cared and for what ever reason, he and I had a great professional relationship.
Though he owes some beer for any money he made off me.